Sourcecon Fall 2019 Day 2, 3rd set of tracks!!

Day 2 of Sourcecon and the third set of tracks.


First up Combining Sourcing Tools to perform Sourcing Magic by Jeremy Da Costa. TOOLS: SSaR pages, Facebook, Zapinfo, Seekout, Boolean, Infinite Scroll, Scroll It,  Human Predictions, Advanced background Check, Data Miner, DiG, Instant Data Scraper. Hiretual, Amazing Hiring, Loxo, Whoknows, Engaged Talent, Jobjet, Swordfish, Rockstar Finder, xray, Search by Image, LI, Spiderfoot, Social Geek, Social Search, OSINT, Twitter Lists, Prophet, Precontacttool, Kendo, Nymeria, Bitbucket, Github Author Search, Instagram xray with email, Email Qualifier, Quora xray search, Free Email Hunter, USA.Gov, FEC, Find Emails, and Contactout xray.


Next, Marc Hamel and How to differentiate yourself when your not that different. The over all thing here is to be different, be creative, stop being one of the many and instead be one of the few. This is mainly with regards to your outreach and follow up. TOOLS; Phrase Express, Google Enhancement Suite, Social Geek, Multi-Highlight, Github, Octohunt, Git Awards, Githunt, Gitlogs, OctoHR, Github Widget, DeveloperDB, Dev.TO, and Hackerrank.



All tools mentioned can be found on the SSaR page at and other sites.


Well that is for Day 2 third set of tracks. Until next week, “may the source be with you.”

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