Day 3 of Sourcecon and the tracks.


First up Jan Tegze and Is Technology our Friend or Our Enemy. Tools mentioned: Github, Stachoverflow, Plagerism Checker, Linkedin. Lost of talk of comparison thoughts on emails, inmails etc, All done form a European stance.


Mike Chuidian and the Cognitive side of Sourcing. Key point here and the best tool as listed on my SSaR page is “YOUR BRAIN”.  Tools; LI, Keyowrd Typo Generator, Boolean. Do your research and seek competitive analysis.


Tools Table by Suzanne Frazier. There are way to many tools to list here, however all of them can be found on the SsaR Page, that said here are a few-TOOLS; Seekout, Hiretual, PAstpass, Touch VPN< Github, Extensity, Connectifier, INstand Data Scraper, Dataminer, Zapinfo and many more. Again all on my SSaR Page.


All tools mentioned can be found on the SSaR page at and


Well that is for Day 3 tracks. Next week back to lesser sites. Until next week, “may the source be with you.”

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