Sourcecon Spring 2019 Day 2 Automation Track!!

So day 2 Sheryl Automation Squirrel track, as always I will hit the high notes and focus on tools, and methods.


First up Aaron Lintz and “The hidden side of people data”. Lots of talk about SMS and texting candidates, a good tool for that is Zipwhip.  Zapier is talked about with regards to messaging and measuring the metrics. One thing he talks about is an interesting method on Linkeidn were you can get some added info on someone, I tested it out on about 100 people only helped me with 1 and the info was limited. But it was cool. Basically you on a an LI profile. Then get into the chrome netowrk panel –Ctrl+Shift+I for windows. Then select “XHR” in the filter select. Then click on the “See Contact Info”. Then in the Network panel click on the item called “profileCOntactInfo”, select preview. YOU will see a lot fo stuff not the least of which will be the stuff below WeChatContactInfo were you will see 3 complete links and the one opposite “qr:” is a QR code and of course within it can be a lot of information. Talk about Hackerrank, meetup and others.


Next up Andre Bradshaw and Java Script for Sourcers. SO rather than going over this I suggest you go to UDEMY and take a “free” class on Java Script


Lastly Jeremy Langhans and “How to Automate Sourcing –a 7 Step Guide”. So this is pretty much the Sourcing lifecycle and automating as much of it as you can. So Research, source, scrape/download, enhance, upload to CRM/ATS or container, and contact. You can go on my SSaR page to find tools to automate all of this


Well that is for Day 2 Automation track. Until next week “may the source be with you.”

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