So day 2 Sheryl Sandberg Squirrel track, as always I will hit the high notes and focus on tools, and methods.
First up John Redmond and “Diversity: The “I’s” Have It!. This as a discussion of sorts on diversity. Some slight history around it. The intersectionality of people to include diversity issues. The key take away is thinking outside the box.
Noelle Hunt Bennett and “Mistakes were made and some by me.” The summation of this is the mistakes made while working within a team and how to avoid them. Examples are: missing the quirks of people on your team and how they can help. The need to be righ tis not more important than listening. Allowing for the big questions to be asked regardless of who asks and their qualifications, and more.
Lastly Heather Flynn and Leading Small & Large Recruiting Teams. The big keys here are: allowing for failure, without failure there is no learning. Build relationships with your team. Try to be positive and upbeat. Trust your team but also verify.
Not much in the wat of tools or sourcing stuff but still some good stuff here.
Well that is for Day 2 Sandberg Squirrel. Until next week “may the source be with you.”
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