Staffing Industry Forecast: Video Interviews on the Horizon [INFOGRAPHIC]

What does the future of the staffing industry look like? You don’t exactly need a crystal ball to see staffing professionals are increasingly looking at new technology for solutions to some of their recruiting woes.

From social media to mobile technology, it’s easier than ever before to communicate with the talent your clients need. But how do you connect personally and still shorten the hiring process?

The video interview might be the perfect way for smart staffing companies to embrace the future of recruiting.

The infographic below, compiled by Spark Hire, an online video resume and interviewing platform, shows how staffing companies are getting futuristic to nab the top talent. Some key reasons to consider video interviews include:

  • 55% of communication is nonverbal
  • You can conduct 10 one-way video interviews in the time it takes for one phone screen
  • Most staffing pros know within 90 seconds if someone is right for the job, yet the typical phone screen takes about 30 minutes
  • Video interviews save approximately 67% of the travel costs associated with hiring

For staffing companies looking for a good way to cut down the process and find the best people faster, video is the wave of the future. So it might be time to put your crystal ball away and press play on a video interview.

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