Recognizing talent and potential in a candidate is critical for a recruiter to do well in the business. 


When you recommend a candidate for employment consideration to a client--the impression that candidate makes can define you as the go-to recruiter--or not. 






I contend that if you do your homework, in terms of knowing what the client wants in a candidate for hire, and match the right candidates against their needs--you will go far in the recruitment business.  And if you exceed the client's expectations--you will be on-call for their next assignment.


Agree?  Disagree? 


Views: 519

Comment by Valentino Martinez on August 4, 2011 at 4:35pm
GoOd OnE, BilL.
Comment by Sandra McCartt on August 4, 2011 at 5:28pm

dear william,

for those of us who started writing before the 90's we were schooled that headlines were written in all caps.  It was not until the 90's that newspapers and print media quit using all caps in headlines.


So if it seems like we are screaming based on netiquette please understand that A.  WE WERE TRAINED THAT WAY and B. WE CAN'T FREAKIN HEAR EITHER so that is why it looks like our caps button is STUCK  :) or we are screaming.

Comment by Sandra McCartt on August 4, 2011 at 5:43pm
Stay away from the wheelbarrow Bill, you know you have a problem with machinery.  The next thing i know you "greeners" will be squeezing crystals and telling people to leave the rocks out of concrete cause it hurts their feelers.
Comment by Tracy Tran on August 7, 2011 at 10:43pm
Totally agree, Recruiter must be able to evaluate candidates perfomance by own skills - even you meet the talkative or uncommunicative persons...
Comment by Valentino Martinez on August 8, 2011 at 1:46am

Yeah! Bill--What Sandra said...PLUS if you can get past the font size with your good eye--there is a message to chew on.


@Sandra--thanks for stating the obvious...and for interpreting, for the public good, unique nuances (that could be considered rules violations) that only a skilled archeologist could decipher.


@Tracy--thanks for your comment.  Helpful and insightful candidate pre-assessments help speed up the selection process which may also conclude in the employment of someone you have recommended.

Comment by Sandra McCartt on August 9, 2011 at 3:18pm
Sometimes old people just know shit cause they have lived longer. 
Comment by Amy Ala Miller on August 9, 2011 at 3:50pm
lol @Sandra I just said that to my 16 yr old....
Comment by Sandra McCartt on August 9, 2011 at 5:31pm

lol Amy, sometimes that is 'nuff said to a 16 year old.  Anything else is lost in sea of adolescence.

It's hard to argue with, "i'm older than you so there.  I did however once have an argument with my daughter about how old she was.  Seems like they had made a mistake on her drivers license so she was telling me that she was a year younger than she is because her driver's license said so. 


I finally suggested to her that it didn't make a lot of sense to argue with your mother about your age since i happened to be there when she was born as were her father and a couple of other witnessess who might just might have better recollection than a screaming frog with no eyebrows...I won..

Comment by Amy Ala Miller on August 9, 2011 at 6:06pm
screaming frog w/ no eyebrows... hahahaha... the scary part was when I told her that unfortunately grandma knew more than both of us put together and don'tmakemecallmymother!  :)
Comment by Bill Ward on August 9, 2011 at 6:58pm
You have to have clients that understand the value associated with what you describe. Unfortunately, not many do or they simply allow a broken process to continue. That's one reasson I don't see the value in putting good recruiters in competition with one another. Someone is bound to take shortcuts and simply start sending anything that remotely resembles the job spec. When that happens, the value a good recruiter can provide goes right out the window.


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