Take Professional Development to a Whole New Level

Professional Development.

Those words either elicit moans and groans from your employees or sometimes, if you're lucky, excitement.

Too often, employees see professional development as a waste of time when they could be getting their actual work done. They look at is irrelevant and a dull chore, instead of something they can learn from and apply to their daily work life.

But whether it's required or optional, professional development should be something looked forward to with excitement and the knowledge that it's offering each one participating opportunities to improve their skill set and add more paths for success.

Inspire Excitement for Professional Development

In order to get the most out of an individual and/or team, you should:

  • Inspire Excitement - If a manager can inspire excitement to his team regarding professional development, the first hurdle is passed. It's important to relay why the development is important and how it will aid in the team's growth. If this is offered in a relevant, genuine manner, the team may be more receptive;
  • Create Sharing Opportunities - Let your team meet up every so often, once a week or so, to talk about the development. When it can be discussed and applied, it becomes much more relevant than just sitting in front of a computer taking a class alone;
  • Do Your Own Research - Do a little more investigation on how to inspire your team. Take a look around at some blogs and the piece, “10 TED talks to inspire your professional development” which offers some great information as well. Look around for what will your inspire your particular team and apply it.

Why is Professional Development Beneficial?

The right professional development can be extremely beneficial, the wrong, not so much.

Finding the right things for your team to work on and increase their professional potential is all important. Professional development can keep skills fresh, teach new ones, update on technology and trending tactics.

It's important to stay abreast of current and relevant material in your field so as not to stagnate. Professional development also adds to anyone's' marketability and that goes to inside as well as outside sources.

Customers will be impressed with knowledge, and adding skills will help make employees ready to take on new challenges and maybe new positions within the company.

When it is Not Beneficial?

On the other hand, sometimes professional development just isn't helpful.

When it's irrelevant and inapplicable, it's not going to do much for your team and not be well received. Try to work with them to find out what is relevant and beneficial and go there instead.

The more related you can make the development, the more excitement it will garner from your team.

Professional development should be part of any career.

You've got to stay current and abreast to be successful and this is one way to do it.

Finding inspiration and excitement just makes it that much more tolerable.

Photo credit: BigStockPhoto.com

About the Author: Heather Legg is an independent writer who covers topics related to small business, social media and a positive attitude.

Views: 275

Comment by Katrina Kibben on November 2, 2015 at 11:37am

Do you know any companies who have done this particularly well? Would love to see a case study.

Comment by heather legg on November 9, 2015 at 11:23pm

Hi Katrina,

 I am not aware of a case study at this time, I do know that how professional development is presented can make all the difference. Thanks!



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