Recruiters were asked as to their thought process when it comes to selecting the right candidates for job openings. This was a fresh view into the job hiring study, since most of write ups and analyses were focused on what applicants think, say, and act. There seemed to be minimal interest on how the other side of the negotiating table felt or thought, when in fact these recruiters’ decision spell the difference between “You get the job” and “We’ll let you know.”

They listed 5 traits which they look for in applicants. These are the characteristics that they feel will make a candidate successful when hired. While it may be true that there are other characteristics that should also be considered, these recruiters and employers consistently chose these 5 as their litmus paper for correct hiring.

1. Skills. This is an obvious characteristic, but its importance is often underestimated. These hiring companies want candidates to contribute the moment they start working for the company. Thus, they would want the candidates to already possess the skills and expertise. There is nothing wrong with training new hires, but if these candidates start from scratch, then they might take a while before they start bringing in significant contributions.

2. Attitude. Hiring companies and recruiters love candidates who are positive and enthusiastic. This bodes well for candidates because hiring companies and recruiters expect the same kind of optimism once these candidates are brought in. On the other hand, whiners and complainers are last on their to-hire list; they do not want a potential troublemaker or mood destroyer working for their company.

3. Personality. Recruiters know that their candidates, if hired, will represent the company. Thus, these candidates must have the personality of the company as well. Is the company a go getter? A cool, calm and collected firm? The candidate must be able to reflect these characteristics as well.

4. Cultural Fit. The interviewed recruiters went on, saying that they want to find a candidate who will react the way they want to react in specific situations. More specifically, they want a candidate that can fit in nicely with the already established culture of the organization. These recruiters suggested that candidates should be able to express effectively how they can fit in with the culture. “Try creating a blog or a social media account whose personality is just like the company’s.”

5. Value Proposition. Lastly, employers look for candidates who can add value to the organization. This goes hand in hand with the skills and expertise in #1, only that this value proposition goes beyond that. Companies want to see what new positive impact candidates can add to their organization.

These 5 factors weigh heavily in the minds of hiring companies and recruiters. If candidates are able to prove that they have these 4 traits, then they are one step closer to landing their dream job.

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