Someone left a message over on the
SourcersGuild board and I thought you all might have an interest in it and in my answer!
So I need to go back to the basics. I have just started looking for talent in a new industry (HVAC Custom Electrical Design). I know I need to start with a competitors list and do some research. Does anyone have a train of thought list that they use when they are starting a new search? You know, a search in which you do not have many contacts in that field? Thanks for any thoughts! ~ Sara
Sara, I start most of my searches using Hoovers to set them up.
Do you have a Hoover's account? If you do they have a Build Company function you can use - it's very helpful.
Following is one of the early MagicMethod lessons that MIGHT help.
Plan Prepare Penetrate Persevere Prosper (The Five Ps)
The following is a condensation of the former lesson (Sun Tzu’s Art of War) As I was doing the Art of War lessons (last), it occurred to me that there were some points Sun Tzu kept repeating. All in all, Sun Tzu recommends strategic methods of winning that rarely required actual warfare. Organization, deception and the use of spies were his main tools - but if it came to war, he used his detailed insight on its methods and strategies to control success. He numbers five methods that I’ve renamed for use in our industry.
Measurement I call Plan
Estimation of Quantity I call Prepare
Calculation I call Penetrate
Balancing of Chances I call Persevere
Victory I call Prosper
The first of the Five Ps is Plan.
It’s in laying good solid plans for any search that we’re most likely to achieve success. Have a PLAN that you implement each and every time you do a search. A solid foundation assures solid results. Controlling a job search can be handled as follows: divide it into organizational parts and then move through it in concentrated waves of activity. Each set of activities should have its own organization. It’s generally not productive to skip any one part – set a routine that works for you and for the most part, stick to it! Our efforts should blend - our internet efforts (direct tactics) must be blended with our own personal skill-sets (indirect tactics) to effect success. Lingering too long on the first activity (just how many/names off that/hours in that phone-bank/do you need to get into a company, anyway?) and hesitating to get on the phone will prevent you from turning the information you’ve gleaned into real-life results. Lose the mike-fright. If you get scared, just hang up!
To read all of it, go
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