The big T word, the Transition from Military to Civilian!!!

The big T word, the Transition from Military to Civilian!!!

For those transitioning out of the military into the civilian world, it may be very stressful and downright scary. How do you take all you learned and accomplished, done and transfer it to a civilian occupation. It is tough and very daunting, but it can be done. I am ex military and I did it. Below outlines some of the things you will need to get and do, and some resources available to help.

First use your ACAP (Army Career Alumni Program) or transition serves office on your installation. They will have a lot of great resources.

Next, gather all your training certificates, your reviews, your 2–1, make sure you get an AARTS transcript ( Also, ensure you have all the various manuals that describe your MOS. Also, make sure you have access to a computer and can access the DOL website. There will be a list of occupations and what each does. Also below are some other useful resources:

Naturally there are more, you may use this simple search string to find them: “Transition And Military And Civilian” or “transitioning from military to civilian.” Put either into your web search and you will see a lot.

Once you have all that, you can start to figure out what it is you are trained to do in the civilian world, and write a resume that is geared to that vocation. For resume writing, go to this link it will explain how to write a resume that will get the job done. You may also get resumes writing tips from some of the links listed above under resources. Also, go to the link below for tips on job-hunting

The biggest thing is figuring out what you can and want to do, and then go for it. For instance if you were a 75B, you probably qualify for some jobs within HR. Do not forget to use your educational benefits, to gain new or more training or education to enhance yourself.

Above all, remember you are not in this alone. There are groups and organizations out there that can help, VFW, for example. In fact if you have any questions or need any help contact me at and I will be happy to help you.

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