The Career Magic - It's About Knowing You

8 years in and I have been there done that.  Although much more is always still to be learned, I spoke with a former boss of mine - we worked together years ago at Venturi Staffing - this evening who still remains to this day a Selling Branch Manager at Manpower one of the largest staffing firms in the world.  He mentored me early on in my days out of college providing the type of role model we all hope to have.


Since that time I have been through my own journey discovering as I have gone what makes career greatness: is it numbers of metrics, time spent at work, the best organizational skills, or technical prowess, or delivering projects on time and on budget?  You could answer yes to all these points and more I am sure.


What is it that defines our greatness, IT's ABOUT KNOWING YOU.  Yes that's right, measurements of greatness from others tower over us at every turn, being skeptical of what others percieve is something I have taught myself - I know that anyone I interact with has a stake or a selfish motive for thier purposes in the interaction - does that sound negative or what?  Just stating the facts folks.  It's human nature.  With that knowledge in mind some folks have more or less of that trait, but what it leads you to know more importantly about yourself is - YOU MAKE YOUR OWN HAPPINESS IN THIS WORLD.


It's a funny thing, but the more at peace one is with themselves, the more success follows naturally as you give a gift of yourself in every interaction - your desire to make others happy because you have made yourself happy stems from the ability to understand what you want out of a career.  I have seen so many make moves in short time spans, or make moves they regret, I have made it my goal to always ask the important questions - what does this mean for my long term happiness - what is it about myself that I must know to look honestly and with complete conviction to lead down the road of success?


It is simply this.  To know what I need and why I need it, to know what I can do without, and to know what will be enough to bring myself, my family and those to which I work the most happiness - that is in essence my own life purpose, beyond that living life on purpose with a goal and vision in one's mind is the most powerful differentiator to success in a career.


I can't emphasize how many times that I have found my course in interesting places - but it's all about doing the right thing no matter what.  If I spend 40 hours of my life miserable than the work I perform is without purpose, but if I love what I do and why I do it, and commit to passionately find my way forward there - than nothing is more powerful than that.


In so many words a satisfying career is all about knowing yourself.

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