The Client Side - Cash For Candidates Part II

Now that we know that Cash for Clunkers was the real Clunker, I've had a chance to reconsider my proposal of Cash for Candidates. did a study showing that it cost the Government (that means you and me because we are the Gov's sugar daddy of course) over $24,000 per clunker deal, probably close to the total price of the new cars in most cases. What an incredible waste. And now we hear that car sales are dipping and expectations are for lower numbers over the coming months. They basically took a number auto sales that would have happened in the coming months and moved them up a little.

But.....we can't forget the incredible value to society of getting those old gas guzzling, global warming enhancing pieces of trash off the roads (like those cars would have been on the road much longer anyway). The clunkers, as we all know, have been destroyed. So this got me to thinking. My plan of $25,000 credits to pay recruiting fees was great for stimulating hiring of key employees and getting companies growing and focused on growth, not to mention the value to those of us in the recruiting biz. But what about the clunkers? We've all had those candidates that apply for positions that they are in no way qualified for. You know, when you need an MBA and 15 + years in senior management marketing technical products and you get the guy who was selling cameras at Best Buy for the last 7 years????? And then he tells you that you wouldn't know talent if you tripped over it at the country club????? Who's going to get these clunkers off the market?

So here's the new plan. The Government will still offer up the $25k credit for recruiting fees. But, instead of just finding these companies stellar candidates to improve their business, the recruiters will be required to turn in a clunker to be destroyed. Half the fee will be paid up front with delivery of the clunker candidate to the client company. The client company will then destroy the clunker candidate, although in some cases they can ship them to third world countries that can use them. The other half of the fee will be paid when the new and exceptional hire is made. Imagine a world where not only are all the crappy recruiters gone, but all of the crappy candidates are gone too.

Todd Kmiec
Todd Kmiec & Associates

Views: 104

Comment by Hassan Rizwan on October 30, 2009 at 8:16am
Interesting strategy. But looking at the aftermath, if all companies employ stellars whereas clunkers to be sent to third world countries, what image would we be portraying of US by sending those people abroad. What if there is no school to refine those clunkers in US? What if those clunkers eventually become careless about serving their nations through their expertise gained in other countries?


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