There are times in every career, every moment of the day where a point of decision about how to approach things, how to win the battles that others throw our way, and how to make greatness the pivitol differentiating inner commitment where one defines for themselves just how much they will shackle negativity by the horns and overcome countless obstacles on the way to ones dreams. How many times on any given day have I personally faced down doubt, robbed the negativity dragon of it's teeth, and pushed honarably forward until all outcomes were placed in my grasp as I would have them be.
THE DIFFERENCE ONE CAN MAKE - across communities, across boundaries, across your own workplace by just an inward resolve that NOTHING, or for that matter NO ONE will keep you from achieving what you set out to do. By all means when one finds that spark in their inward quiver and hits home firmly in the direction of success, there can be no better and no stronger or pivotal outcome than that.
Every day you will face doubters, you will face whiners, troublemakers, people who let you down, people who will say to you their opinion and try and place blame, try and fence in your resolve and blatantly challenge you as they try and define YOUR career. I'm sorry I say to such folks but I can't be taken down your path, I can't be robbed of my goals simply because some partner refused to budge or move themselves forward. When a boulder gets in your path you have to go around it.
These past few months have been like a whirlwind, as my kids grow, as the wrangling at the national level gains steam, as people say what's up and down, and inside and out with the economy and throw proverbial darts at no real distinguishable targets. Rather, the folks driven to and fro by the economic winds of change mind you - have no business telling the rest of us who try to harbor a positive focus - how we can't obtain our goals. I quickly sum up my courage and tell them with all my actions to SHUT UP, or PUT UP. Today we live in a time of excuses, second guessing, and folks who have no real business advising on economic outcomes. QUITE FRANKLY - you have to make your OWN ECONOMIC OUTCOMES.
Across this broad land of the United States, for instance, from sea to shining sea, are a host of folks who have felt the winds of change and challenge, who are spurned by some employers because "oh gasp" they were out of work for over a year. If you can't have the humanity to give folks a fair shake, and a iron clad great candidate experience, if people are just "widgets" to you, I'm sorry but you HAVE NO BUSINESS IN STAFFING.
The true measure of a person is their willingness to stare down the challengers to greatness, knock them off their pedestals, and nail the direction and outcomes that are waiting to be had, held, sealed, and delivered. If you have treasured your network, hold a mature world view that sees past and through the smoke and mirrors of passing fads, frenzies, and other obnoxious human indiosyncracies, well then you have karma on your side. Those who pay it forward, and seek outcomes that bless the world, well there is no greater staffing network building opportunity than that. Candidates treated well will refer like minded "A Players" and will attract winners. There are moments where challenges rise from the woodwork, and come out of no where to pin the importance of inward resolve to ensure nothing can stop greatness.
THE DIFFERENCE ONE CAN MAKE - by being positive and harnessing the spirit of 212 degrees. At 211 degrees water is hot, at 212 degrees water boils and with boiling comes steam, and steam can power a locamotive - I watched this video which had this at the center and was so inspiring to me.
There will be days where you will need to provide the spark and extra degree to get to your goals in your staffing business, and being that instigator, that key provider will separate the good from the great. And it is at 212 degrees that power can translate into enough momentum to move a locamotive, and once that locamotive is afire within your staffing business or for that matter in life it adds the momentum to overcome ANY obstacle, ANY negativity, ANY calamity, ANY challenge, or ANY thing life may throw at you. 212 degrees - THE SECRET OF SUCCESS and it only takes one person - YOU - to decide what that direction and course will be as you bang down the doors of success time and time and time again. Sometimes folks just need a little encouragement which makes all the difference.
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