When it comes to introducing new products in the online recruiting space, innovation is an over used word. I’ve seen too many press releases that claim to be the “be all, end all” tool that you need. It’s now just a word with hollow meaning.
So I won’t be using it to describe JobSpeek, my new mobile recruiting app. Instead I’ll just tell you what it does and invite you to use it. Your time is valuable so I’ll get right to the point.
JobSpeek allows you to create a unique job listing from your iPhone and distribute that job to the job search engines: SimplyHired, JuJu, etc.
But its not your average job listing. It’s built for the mobile web which means its short, condensed and engaging. Using your mobile device you enter a few basic details, take a picture of your business/office and record up to 60 seconds of audio. We call the audio portion the “Hiring Message” and it is your chance to ‘sell the job’ or describe your ideal candidate.
Pretty cool, eh?
It’s actually the first app to ever let you post a job. Up til now all you could do was search for one.
Lets dive deeper.
In case you didn’t know it, the job search engines (JSE) have done a run-around the major job boards. They easily match them in traffic. SimplyHired alone gets close to ten million users per month and we take advantage of that reach by distributing your jobs to them. That means instant job seeker traffic to your listing.
Note: your job is first posted to the jobs page at jobspeek.com and then syndicated to the JSE’s within 24hrs.
So you don’t have to worry about using JobSpeek and getting no applicants. We leverage the JSE’s to make sure you do. Plus we give you proof that its working. Each listing comes with publicly viewable stats on the number of people to visit your job as well as where they are coming from. As far as we know, we’re the first ever job site to give recruiters this kind of immediate feedback.
But as the commercial says...wait, there’s more!
JobSpeek also lets you share your jobs socially on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. You simply sign-in to those services through our app and your job is instantly posted to your account. After all, being social media friendly is a must for any new recruiting tool. As more employers continue to devote resources to these sites you can be sure that JobSpeek will follow these trends.
I created JobSpeek mainly because I have grown tired of the traditional job description. Its boring. It contains too much marketing jargon and corporate propaganda. Plus most recruiters dont know how to write them in order to “sell the job” properly to the candidate. I’ve been in the online recruiting business for 12+ years so I’ve seen more than my share of job descriptions that suck.
With JobSpeek, you now have a tool to help make your job listings better. You can finally make it personal and engaging. With the picture feature you can include a snapshot of your new office. Or the outside of your business. With the audio feature you can introduce yourself and actually let candidates hear your voice. How cool is that?
Hmmm, I’m thinking of a new tag-line as I write this: JobSpeek - Job Listings That Don’t Suck!
But I digress. So far my elevator pitch has been a little more gentle. Job Listings Re-Imagined...and lately...Jobs That Talk. Let me know if you have any other suggestions.
So why else should you use it? I’ll give you two more compelling reasons.
First, its totally free. So that means I’m paying you to promote your jobs! Yes, that’s right. By posting your jobs through JobSpeek we are actively marketing the job listings on your behalf. But it wont last forever. Eventually by next year, we’ll start charging for each post. But even then the cost will only be a few bucks each. Transactions will take place through the in-app purchase of your iTunes Account. Just like buying a song.
Secondly and perhaps the most important, JobSpeek makes mobile recruiting a reality. And mobile is going to be big. Really big! No one buys PC’s anymore. They are buying smartphones and tablets and they want apps to make their lives more productive. Most of Europe and Asia are already accessing the web primarily on their mobile devices. The U.S. is a bit behind this curve but in a few years we too will be swiping screens instead of clicking mice. So the choice is yours. Are you ready to take your recruiting to the next level? Are you ready to go mobile?
I’m willing to bet you are. In fact, I’ve spent the past 6 months of life (and plenty of $$$) convinced that you are. So make me look good. Download my app and post 5 jobs in the next week. Then wait ten days to see how many qualified applicants you get. Then send me an email with your feedback (chris at job speek dot com). I want to know what you think.
Now a few caveats. JobSpeek does not play nice with your ATS. Its strictly a stand alone service designed to promote what you give it. Nor is it available on Android yet. I’m working on that and will probably have something by end of year. For now it only works on the following devices: iPhone, iPod Touch and the iPad2 (the one with camera). And its probably not a good solution if you need to hire a PhD’s or rocket scientists. So stick to posting your bread and butter stuff.
BTW, I’m also looking for an angel investor to help me go global with this so if you know anyone send ‘em my way. I’m ready to move heaven and earth to make this a profitable business and I need someone willing to invest in me and the coming mobile recruiting revolution.
Well my prose has gone on long enough. Usually my posts here are short and sweet but JobSpeek brings out the words in me. At the beginning of this I said I would not call my app innovative, and I’m not. I’m sure the comments will leave a few adjectives behind. However I do think it is different...different enough that you’ll be compelled to try it. And I hope that your support will give it longevity over time in a business that is notoriously fickle. But I have a feeling about JobSpeek. The feedback I have gotten so far has been encouraging. So lets give this a shot, shall we?
Chris Russell
Founder, JobSpeek
The JobSpeek App is availaible today in the app store for free. Download it here. Learn more at JobSpeek.com. To view the current job listings already posted, click here.
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