The Pillars of Staffing represent the main four points of the staffing process. They are sourcing, recruiter screening, technical screening, and the face to face interview. Now in between the pillars are interconnecting webs which represent main communication points that occur during the cycle and at the beginning and end are the start and stop points or anchors. You can also think of this whole thing as a process bridge, were each anchor is like the beginning and end of a bridge which connects the bridge to land, and the pillars in the process are like the pillars of the bridge.


So the process starts with the first strand of the web which is a communication string about a possible need, this is followed up with numerous communication threads about creating a JD, and sourcing plans. These threads start at and are anchored (front anchor) by HR and the Hiring team and lead us to the first pillar, sourcing.


The first pillar, sourcing. This is the most important pillar and part. It all starts and stops with our ability to find candidates. This pillar is connected to the 2nd pillar the recruiter screen by threads of communication. These threads will include things like recalibration, changes to JD, and more.


The second pillar is the recruiter screen. This is the first contact between the company and the candidate. This is where we see from a general stand point if the candidate is right for the company and position and if the candidate is interested. This leads to more communication threads about the recruiter screen, and recommendation for the next steps. This pillar will then lead us to the 3rd pillar.


The third pillar is the technical screen; this is where a technical expert will contact a candidate to determine the technical fit. Of course after the screen there are then communication threads going back and forth between pillar 3 and 1 and pillar 3 and 4. If the technically screened candidate passes the screen the communication thread will go between pillar 3 and 4 the face to face interview. If the candidate does not pass the communication will be between pillar 3 and 1 were the sourcing will be recalibrated and continue.


The 4th pillar is the face to face interview. This is where we determine if we are going to hire the candidate or not. If no then the communication threads will be crested between this pillar and the front anchor and pillar 1. If a hire is to be made then the communication threads will be created between the first pillar (to stop sourcing), and the rear anchor which is HR, comp and anyone involved in the actually hiring, and starting of a new employee.


Now of course this is mainly for corporate recruiting although it could be used for executive and contract recruiting as well. Also it is a very simplified version of the process. Sometimes simple is best.


So the whole thing looks like this.


Front Anchor(JD, HM meeting etc)----1st Pillar(Sourcing)---2nd(Rec screen)---3rd (Tech screen)---4th Pillar(F2F Int)--Back Anchor(Hire)                                             I------------------------------------------------I


So the above is very simple, the lines represent communication threads and in reality there will be hundreds of them going back and forth.


But there you go.

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