The job of a recruiter is hectic and he spends the whole day in shortlisting, arranging & taking interviews, onboarding process and much more. And when the recruiter has to hire multiple employees for various domains, then every minute for the recruiter is important. Most of the recruiter’s lack of time management skill and this affects their whole recruitment process. This problem arises when the recruiter has less experience but don’t worry here are the tips to help the recruiters to manage their time effectively and making the talent acquisition less stressful. 

  • Plan your day in advance 

As a recruiter, you need to prioritize the tasks in advance. To make this work effectively you can create three lists of the tasks, the first list should consist of the main tasks, the second list should have tasks that can wait and the third list should have minor items that could be done when you have extra time.  And move these tasks to the following day. Increase your odds of completing tough tasks first thing in the morning itself. 

  • Creating both short and long term goals

This is related to the first point, a daily plan is a short term goal which is fine but you need to create long term plans as well. This means you can create a weekly, monthly plan that helps in the long run. If you feel that the long term plans are out of reach then you can always revamp them. Because of this proper planning, as a recruiter, you will manage your time easily. Make sticky notes offline or online that can help you stay focussed. 

  • Have a clear approach about the candidate profile

Creating a candidate profile can save you a hell lot of time, a candidate profile simply means outlining the complete profile of the candidate. This helps a recruiter to develop a clear approach for the candidate and this saves you a lot of time. This way you will be able to focus on the right candidates. Plus the recruiter won’t waste time targeting candidates that don’t fit the bill. The candidate persona profile includes information such as the candidate’s experience, what type of skill you need in a candidate, taking the candidate’s personality into account. Make sure you keep all these things in mind while making hiring. 

  • Measure key metrics during the recruitment

Measuring key metrics helps in time management, sometimes the recruiters measure their recruitment success by phone calls, but there can be times when the phone calls are not fruitful. This could lead to a waste of time and in place of one measuring metric, a recruiter should look at how many candidates were hired, how many candidates are satisfied with the new job, did you met client’s hiring goals and how much money have you made. As a recruiter, you need to keep these metrics in the loop if you need to manage your time. 

  • Hiring a recruitment company

As a recruiter, if you are jam-packed only with the hiring process, then you might don’t have any time for other company-related work. You miss on some great candidates because of time mismanagement and a professional recruitment company can solve this issue. They have experience in hiring candidates plus they have a proper database of candidates that are shortlisted. The hiring process is smooth with the recruitment companies plus the in-house recruiter can manage their time in other processes. 

  • Manage your email

Improper handling of email can take a lot of time for the recruiter and there is nothing a recruiter can do about it. There is a lot of mail that is coming every hour and you can’t ignore them because that is your job. This situation needs an organization of the email and the time. Rather than checking every notification, you can designate a specific time of the day. If you still have a problem, then moving to the recruiter apps is a solution, they are able to manage tons of emails and you can also set a customized filter that saves your time. 

  • Try new ideas for time management

If you won’t try new ideas for time management then it won’t work. You should play around various ideas to see what works for you. A recruiter can tweak plans to fit what’s best for them. You can use creative ways to organize your tasks, paperwork and time. As a recruiter, you need to try new recruitment strategies and check whether they are working for you or not. For example, you can set a time limit for each task, in this, you can include making follow-ups with the candidates. 


A proper recruiting strategy can help to make or break the time management game of the recruiter. Poor time management by the recruiter can lead to no or bad hiring plus can leave a below-par candidate experience. By adjusting your strategy, you’ll maintain productivity in the long run.

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