Have you ever seen an adventure series about sourcing passive candidates before? If not, check out "The Sourcing Duel" series below.

With the mission to find 10 data analysts in the quickest time, Randstad Sourceright's @TheBalazs and @JimStroud take on each other in a sourcing duel. Who will win? Tweet #TheBalazswins or #JimStroudwins

So in this second talent sourcing mission, we put our human intelligence to the test to find a rare skill in the quickest time. Randstad Sourceright's @TheBalazs and @JimStroud take on each other in an exciting sourcing duel. Who will win? Tweet #TheBalazswins or #JimStroudwins

Did you listen carefully to hear all of the sourcing tips coming in rapid succession? I look forward to reading your comments below.


Views: 301

Comment by Katrina Kibben on November 2, 2015 at 11:00am

This is awesome. Looking forward to more rounds.

Comment by Jim Stroud on January 5, 2016 at 10:03am

Thank you @Katrina 


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