Hiring a multilingual workforce is an asset and key to reaching the pinnacle of growth. The buzzword “multilingual hiring” opens new avenues and helps expand the business. But how can you find suitable applicants for the job when the competition for hiring talent is so high?

Here are a few points to make the multilingual hiring process simple and easy. 

Utilization of Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool and has a significant impact on people. Global platforms like Facebook, Linked In, and Instagram are prevalent and can promote job openings. Consider posting on country-specific social channels as they are more prevalent in one region as compared to others.

Bilingual/Multilingual Job Description

While creating a job posting/opening, it is imperative to use the correct language to reach a broader candidate base. For example, if you need a person who can speak both English and French, create an opening in these languages.

A job post stating the title and description may not be enough. Choosing the right keywords to fill in the description box will be immensely valuable to reach the right audience. Look at the other job postings on the job board to better understand the trends in posting. 

AI-driven Software Solution

In the past, artificial intelligence (AI) was perceived as a product of science fiction. Now, most professionals understand that adapting to intelligent technology is the need of the hour. Numerous industries have accepted AI entirely, and the human resource industry is no exception. Read below to know how AI can help recruiters in multilingual hiring.

  1. AI can help recruiters and staffing agencies by removing time-consuming activities like manual screening of resumes.
  2. AI can streamline the recruitment process and ensure a smooth candidate experience.
  3. HR automation tools such as a resume/cv parser help get candidates from all over the world. Choose a multilingual resume parser that can parse resumes in many languages and give you structured data so that you can screen applicants from across the globe.

Provide Hassle-free Candidate Experience

Organizations striving to be on the global platform need not only multi-talented but multilingual staff within their workforce. Individuals with fluent communication skills in different languages are an asset to the organization. 

The whole process of candidate hiring needs to be simple and less tedious. Now, this is where AI-based technology and HR automation tools come in. AI-based innovative software helps in ensuring a hassle-free experience for the candidate and enhances their experience by shortening the job application process.

Referrals and Recommendations

Reach out to your employees and set up a referral campaign. Ask them to share the job openings with their network. Employees would know the skills needed for the job and the kind of individuals required for the job. The referrals and recommendations process reduces the hiring time as well as the recruitment cost significantly.

One can reach a wider candidate pool globally and provide an excellent user experience by using advanced HR technology. Invest in future technology, delight your customers with a trouble-free onboarding experience and use social channels wisely to choose global candidates.

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