Top HR and Recruiting Influencers in 2018

Who are the top influencers in the HR and recruiting in 2018? Find out and follow them to stay up to date with the latest industry trends!

Why should you follow HR influencers?

Following the top HR and recruiting influencers is a must if you want to stay up-to-date with current HR and recruiting trends.

HR and recruiting industry has been going through some serious changes. As a consequence,  many new industry benchmarks have been established.

One of the best ways to stay in the loop is to read the best HR blogs, utilize the useful HR resources and follow the prominent HR and recruiting experts.

List of the top HR and Recruiting Influencers in 2018

Here is the list of the 6 top level HR and recruiting thought leaders:

Matt Charney

Matt Charney is probably the world’s top expert when it comes to talent and technology.

He is a partner with Recruiting Daily, the #1 online media resource for the recruiting world.

Follow him: Twitter | Blog

William Tincup

William Tincup is the President at Recruiting Daily, the #1 online media resource for the recruiting world. He is one of the most followed HR influencers on Twitter with more than 300K.

Follow him: Twitter | LinkedIn

Lou Adler

Lou Adler is the CEO and founder of The Adler Group - a consulting firm that helps companies implement performance-based hiring. He is one of the most followed HR influencers on LinkedIn with more than 1.2M followers.

Follow him: LinkedIn | Twitter

Meghan M. Biro

Meghan M. Biro is a founder and CEO of TalentCulture and Founder of the #WorkTrends podcast and Twitter chat.  Every week, Meghan interviews a guest who’s thinking creatively about the future of work.

Follow her: Twitter | Podcast

Glen Cathey

Glen Cathy is a senior recruiting executive with over 16 years of experience. He writes about it on his blog Boolean Black Belt-Sourcing.

Follow him: LinkedIn | Twitter | Blog

Jörgen Sundberg

Jörgen Sundberg is the founder & CEO of Link Humans, an employer branding agency. Jörgen started the Undercover Recruiter blog in 2009, now the #1 career & recruiting blog in the world. Today he hosts the weekly Employer Branding Podcast.

Follow him: Twitter | LinkedIn | Podcast

Views: 1530

Comment by Noel Cocca on May 22, 2018 at 1:16pm
thank you Kristina. I promise our readers we did not sponsor this!


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