Top Tips for Creating a Strong Work-Life Balance

We invited CV-Library to give us advice on how to achieve that elusive state - work-life balance. Here's what they recommended:

Whilst having a successful career is important to many, this can often come at a cost. A huge number of professionals have fallen victim to the always-on culture. 

In fact, recent data from CV-Library found that over one in four (29.5%) confessed that they don’t believe they have a good work-life balance. 

Being overworked is causing professionals to lose sleep, feel stressed, exhausted and spend less time with their family and friends.

It’s not surprising then that almost half (44.4%) have left a job in the past due to poor work-life balance.

But this problem simply can’t go on. While employers have a duty to look after the wellbeing of their staff and encourage a good work-life balance, professionals must also do their bit to look after their own health.

We understand that work can be busy and that you want to succeed and progress in your career, but achieving a good work-life balance should always be a priority.

Not sure how to do this? Below CV-Library shares its top tips.

1. Get organised

First and foremost you need to get (and stay) organised.

Falling behind on work or finding that you’ve not organised your time well can lead to stress and the need to put in additional hours.

As such, getting on top of everything is an important first step. After this, you need to ensure that you’re using your time efficiently.

It’s all about working smarter, not harder.

Better planning will lead to better execution. Organise all projects accordingly, making sure you give yourself enough time to complete each task.

Using alerts in diaries or online calendars is a great way to keep on top of your workload and reduce the likelihood of you feeling under pressure.

2. Be realistic with deadlines

When it comes to business, we all aim to be as accommodating and impressive as possible.

This can sometimes mean promising to turn work around in a timeline that is simply unmanageable. This can lead to late nights, stress and becoming overworked.

Therefore, you need to be realistic with the deadlines you give to senior staff, clients or customers, if you wish to create and maintain a strong work-life balance.

3. Don’t be afraid to say no

On a similar note, when we aim to please we often feel guilty having to say no.

‘No I’m afraid I can’t take on more work’ or ‘no I won’t be able to fit you in this month’ are phrases you rarely hear in the workplace.

But it’s important that you aren’t afraid to say no when you have to. Remember, you are only human and you can only do so much. You need time for yourself to relax and recharge.

Therefore, if you have to say no from time to time, that’s OK! Just explain to your boss, client or whoever it may be, what you can feasibly achieve.

The likelihood is that they’ll understand the importance of having a life outside of work too!

4. Unplug after work

You need to learn to switch off in your spare time.

Worryingly, a staggering 72.4% of professionals admit to replying to work-related emails, or making work-related calls, in their free time.

You need to make sure that you leave the office behind you in the evenings, weekends and when you’re on annual leave.

It’s important to take time away from work to recharge your batteries. Otherwiseyou’ll arrive at work the next day feeling tired before you’ve even begun!

Our brains need time to switch off, even in this always-on culture.

So don’t set up access to emails or shared working spaces from your devices at home.

By staying organised, working smarter and being realistic with your deadlines you should be able to leave these behind at the end of the day.

5. Don’t go mad with the overtime

If you’re working on a big project or you’re trying to make some extra cash, putting in some overtime might be necessary.

That said, you need to ensure this isn’t a regular occurrence. Keep an eye on how much extra time you’re putting in.

If you recognise that you’re arriving early and leaving late every day, something needs to change.

Ready to create a strong work life balance?

In summary, work can be busy and sometimes it feels like you have to dedicate 100% of your time if you hope to be successful.

But part of being successful in your career is being able to have a life outside of work too.

Follow the steps above to take the balance into your own hands.

Put your wellbeing first and your work will benefit as a result.

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