Of course, most companies out there will have well-established and successful onboarding practices, but here at ISL, we are always looking to improve and have found some extra tips and recommendations that you might want to consider adding into the mix!

Let’s start with how to keep in contact with your new starter in the lead up to their first day:


1. Keep in contact

So your candidate has just accepted an offer with your company and you’re excited to get them on board. The best way to keep your new employee engaged in the lead up to their start date is to remain in regular contact with them. The last thing they would want is to not hear from their future employer until the day they arrive at the office, knowing nobody and feeling like they don’t really know their Manager.

Aim to speak with them at least once a week over email or phone in the lead up to their start date, making sure that you’ve answered any questions they may have. This may include anything from something as simple as what your office dress code is, to what research or preparation they could do ahead of starting.

2. Share key decisions or company changes

Key to effective onboarding is to maintain strong lines of communication in the lead up to their start date. An important part of this is involving them in any key decisions or changes that have occurred in the company since they accepted their offer. For example, if you have recently introduced a new policy such as flexible working or have recently appointed a new Team Leader. Even though your new employee hasn’t started working yet, it’s good to keep them in the loop and treat them as if they are already a part of your company. This will play a key part in ensuring there are no surprises for your new employee when they start work!

Integrating new starters into their team

3. Invite to team meetings, office socials or key annual conferences

This is a great way to integrate your new starter into their team as over a period of few weeks, they will have hopefully already met most of their new team and know their colleagues by name before they even start!

A really nice onboarding trick is to invite them to after-work drinks with your team so that they can get to know everybody in a more informal setting. If you have a team incentive coming up or monthly meeting, invite them along and introduce them to their future colleagues. This will not only give your existing team the chance to get to know their new colleague but also keep your new starter engaged and excited for their new job.

4. Take your new starter out for lunch

onboarding effectively

Inviting them for lunch with their team leader and perhaps a couple of colleagues is a great way of showing you value your new starter and a good way of introducing them informally to their management or colleagues. This will also make the onboarding process much smoother once they start and will give your existing team a chance to get to know them properly, prior to their start date.

Helping your new employee feel welcome

5. Support employee through their notice period

If your new starter is having to work through their notice period then it’s good to support them through this as this is often a difficult time, especially if they have close relationships with their colleagues and have played an integral part of the company. Offering advice and support, particularly if their company is pressuring them to stay, will help your new starter feel more welcome and comfortable in their transition to a new role with yourselves.

6. Don’t underestimate the power of an unexpected gift

onboarding effectively

Having a goody bag on the desk, ready for your new starter is a really nice way of making them feel welcome on their first day. Sign it ‘Welcome to the team!” and maybe include a free lunch voucher or something similar for their first day!

7. Make sure everything is ready to go for your new starter!

It’s important to ensure that your employer has the resources, equipment, and support to hit the ground running when they start. This can be anything from making sure their desk space and IT is all set up and ready for them to providing a full welcome pack and introduction period to the rest of their team.

So there you have it, those were a few of our top tips on effective onboarding! Getting your employees is not just as simple as them accepting your offer. There is much more that needs to take place in the lead up to their start date to ensure that they are going to be well-settled into their team!

For all of the employers out there, what are your thoughts on this? Is there anything you would add, or do you have an example of where you’ve gone above and beyond the usual to welcome your new employee and seen great onboarding results from it? If so, share it with us! If you have found an excellent candidate and would like some expert advice to help get them on board, then contact our team of recruitment specialists for an informal chat 

Written by Amy at ISL Recruitment. Read more of our recruitment blog posts here.

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