Tuesday Morning Quarterback on the Unwanted, Under Appreciated, and Poorly Assessed

Some folks enjoy Gregg Easterbrook's writing and some don't. His lens is often the contrary view, which can be tiresome (like anything) if thats his only approach. OTH its a pretty good way of looking at things (per Socrates).

I am reminded by TMQ of my never ending battle with Wendell Williams (and other Assessment mavens) that circles around the idea that individual assessment, while useful and predicitive in some situations, often breaks down in teamwork situations because a team is a dynamic system, and its pretty difficult to analyze and predict system behavior without a view of the whole system.

Here Easterbrook details all the great players that are misassessed by various teams and scouts, or whose performance changes radcially when their situation does- e.g. without major change to themsevles that assessments could detect, their impact and contribution does vary widely based on the situation, even though the job title and job duties remain about the same, just in different organizations.

As for Sunday's super game- as he says, if you dont enjoy a matchup between a galactic underdog and the best of the establishment, you just dont like sports.....

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