Changes in Technology have changed the way we work, communicate, read books, listen to music and even watch TV so it should come as no surprise that its now changing the way we hire. Although video interviewing has been around for a while 2012 saw it really start to take off and 2013 it is being called the must have recruitment tool. Now I know some people are thinking when it comes to their recruitment if the current way they do things is working why bother changing it but with more and more companies beginning to use it do you really want your company to be left behind?
Over 50% of larger companies have used video interviewing and said it has lowered travel cost, hire time and the over all candidate experience which is all great for the company brand.
It is also great for candidates who are currently working and can not get to a meeting during in the week do you really want to miss out on what could be the best candidate?
Some companies currents use free web based platforms but these could lead to a few problems for instance they only allow one on one interaction, there could be a few security risks you have no support if anything crashes and you loss any interviews and you can not put your company branding on.
Video interviewing is not to take the place of face to face meetings but is designed to help short list the best candidates by looking threw their online videos and getting a feel for their personalities and also seeing how they react to the question type you have set up for them. Its a great way to see if a candidate will be suitably fitted to your office environment and if they are not simply press Delete!!
As far as I can tell - the only people saying it is "the MUST HAVE recruiting tool" are you guys running around trying to convince us it is.
Thanks for the comment Jerry
I'm not sure it is a 'must have' tool just yet. If I was stuck on an island the phone is still the 'must have', but that being said my company uses video interviewing on a regular basis. This is due to the fact that we have 13 site locations and when a provider comes to interview at least two of his meetings will be conducted via video. One of the things that I find most interesting is comparing the feedback from those that met w/. the candidate in person against those that only met the candidate via video. It is normally comparable, but when it does differ it is usually something picked up in the face to face over the video. So while I agree video is a good tool, makes our process more efficient, and saves time - it does present some challenges.
Hi Tim Thanks for the feedback, I agree its perfect for companies where there are muliple sites. Seeing how people act during a video interview and then face to face is also very interesting. as some people feel more confident doing the video interviews. Do you employee many people per year?
I agree that video interviewing is not the end all be all, but I can show specific statistics around how video interviewing has directly increased billings and saved a at least 1 specific account for our team. That being said, these were not live interviews. They were recorded similar to Verbal Summary, but included video.
It's not a fit for every client or position, but it does have serve a purpose.
Thanks Ryan yes it definatly is not right for every company.
I'm going to take a slightly different perspective....
I've been using Skype for 3 years and overall, I think it's better than face-to-face. I can now run more interviews so include more people in the search. I can run more interviews of the same people to check if I'm getting the same answers to the same questions. It helps spot those who are 'connected' and able to cope with the unexpected. Watching their awareness of eye contact and body language is also quite revealing. I grant it misses out on the handshake and the dirty shoes, but I can always face-to-face the shortlist if I'm feeling insecure about something - but that's never picked up anything the Skype didn't.
It's also saved me and the candidates gonks of money and time, and it has the capacity to differentiate myself versus my competitors. I've even had two clients start to use Skype in their business as a consequence of my work, and they keep coming back for more.
Thanks Martin, Its great to see how it has worked for you and saved you money.
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