Last year, I didn’t go to recruitfest. But I heard about it. A lot. Still do a year later. In the words of Barney Stinson, it was Legend (wait for it) dary.

This year – more legends are sure to be made with an amazing lineup of recruiting leaders guiding us on the journey that is an unconference. No stuffy conference rooms, no hiding in back, no boring powerpoints – just actual learning and interaction While I am excited for everyone – when I heard Gerry Crispin was going – I knew it was a must go. If you have never had the pleasure of sitting down and having a conversation with Gerry – then this is a must go conference. I will admit I am biased – it is because of a chance meeting with Gerry a year out of college that I even ended up in the HR Technology world – but each and every time I see him – I am challenged to think about something a little deeper, questions reality differently and just learn from someone who has forgotten more than I will ever know. The best part – he tolerates my quirkyness and is still willing to help me learn everything I still need to learn.
In addition – you will have the chance to hang out and learn from social media legend nominees themselves – Jerry Albright, Maren Hogan, The Animal, Slouch and many many more…even if you don’t know them (or anyone else that is going) you will be fine. In this group – even I feel totally normal.
With that said – If you want a free ticket for Recruitfest – add a comment below or @ me on twitter with what legendary thing you will be wanting to do/say/learn/discover at Recruitfest - I will be drawing (at random) for the ticket next Wednesday so you still have time to get a flight, passport, take time off work, etc.
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