'There is little conjunction of truth and social reality.  Around us are pseudo-events, to which we adjust with a false consciousness to see these events as true and real.'  What does this mean to you?  Put simply to me it means that just because I am told the sky is green, do I have to believe it?  Just because I am told I should be depressed in January, should I be?  Just because I am told we are in an economic recession and the market is too difficult, should I just climb under my desk and pray for better days?

I believe we should be stronger than this, we owe it to ourselves to say - I can make a difference to my own day.  Perception is a dangerous animal, if used wisely is a great ally.  I don't ever see myself as the greatest at what I do, I have loads to learn and that will never change.  But I will empower myself every single day to make a difference, to turn up and perform.  Sometimes I do it naively, which leads to an extra stressful journey home on the central line thinking what have I really achieved today?  However I wake up the next morning and empower myself all over again.

So why not wake up in Utopia for a day? A place where there is nothing holding you back, a place where you can push the boundaries and prove the doubters wrong.  Forget the weather, or that the newspapers tell us to be scared, or that the walk to the station is just too long and that you are now on packed lunches as you have zero funds.  Go and do yourself proud, whilst everyone else is trapped in the January blues you can make strides to outperform the market.

Written By,

Sunjay Patel

Views: 248

Comment by Sean O'Donoghue on January 23, 2012 at 11:16am

Very well written Sunjay...

I couldn't agree with you more! The media (pushed by the government and corporations) are on a constant drive to ensure we all know the world is in melt down and that we all need to be afraid! I stopped watching the news several years ago - as I got totally fed up with the amount of fear inducing stories they insist on putting in front of us. 

The same can be said about newspapers, and radio news. Whenever I'm in the car, and the news comes on the radio - it's always the same... 99% of it is always about negative stories - killings, rapes, assaults, spending cuts, job cuts, illness, disease and so on... 

It's all total propoganda, and when you get caught up in it, I wouldn't blame you for feeling depressed every day! Just as Sunjay says... you make your own reality. You can either continue to live your life on edge, or get up and decide to forget all the crap that the media are trying to force at you - and just focus on making your own life as fulfilling as possible!

My friends, family and local community are what matter most to me. If we can all focus on matters closer to home, rather than worrying about Europe / America / Middle East etc... then we'll all look after each other a lot better, and be a lot happier as a result. 


Comment by Lipton Fleming on January 23, 2012 at 11:37am

Thank you for your comments Sean.


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