What makes you more employable in 2010? #6

Trait #6 Negotiation

Today we are discussing trait #6 Negotiation Skills, to make you more employable in 2010.

Negotiation is the art of using stratergy, process, tools and tactics to achieve a win-win outcome. It is an essential skill to get by in every day life, as well as business. The key here being a win-win!!

Disagreements are bound to happen in a team or an organisation as employees and employers inevitably have differences in their opinions, values and goals. Negotiation requires participants to identify their issues, understand their needs and interests, generate possible settlement and bargain over the final agreement.

We at SMStheJob often negotiate between canditate and employer to reach a mutal outcome.

Negotiation is one of the best ways to define a relationship between yourself and your employer. It is important to get familiar with the negotiating dynamics and skills in order to be successful in your role. FlyingSolo have a great article “9 tips for improving negotiation skills”, whilst this article is aimed at business owners, you can use these tips to improve your own personal skills

Effective negotiation requires a willingness to work with other people and to find solutions that everyone can live with. Demonstrate your problem solving and negotiating capabilities to the employer and you are sure to get a job offer. Remove emotion and clearly see the facts that will allow all parties to find that win-win solution!

Time for some home-work…

The great thing about friends and family is that they always put you in a position where you need to neogiate – so you can use them to practise on. Alternatively, test your skills with Stitt Feld Handy Group online training course.

If this is your first time to our website, Please don’t forget to read our previous blogs as they all work in together to help you be more employable in 2010.

Until next time, make sure you are more employable in 2010 with trait number #7 Communication.

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