Why Recruiters Need to Pick up the Phone!

When it comes to recruitment no news is still good news.

Leaving candidates in the dark over feedback from an interview will not only scupper your current dealing with them, but the prospect of any future business along with it.

Aside from being common courtesy to let someone know – regardless of whether it’s good or bad news – it also offers recruiters a chance to cement their candidate relationships, evaluate their take on the interview process, and secure future business.

Don’t let your candidates down because your clients are slow to the phone, and adversely, don’t leave your client waiting on a candidate’s response.

Act as the bridge between both parties and make sure you’re ringing candidate and client alike to follow-up after interviews and offering prompts when needed.

Waiting on news to trickle through can cost you a candidate as time kills deals in recruitment. Be proactive in pushing the recruitment process along and trial close both parties when you ring them, this way you can better map which deals are going to materialise and those that are perhaps just a window shopping exercise.

Poor communication with candidates can be a black mark on an agency’s reputation that is difficult to shift. A good candidate experience is free marketing as a good reputation speaks volumes in recruitment... as does a poor one.

Simply touching base with candidates on a regular basis, especially when they would appreciate a call, is an easy way to build and sustain a beneficial relationship.


Calum is the Content & Marketing Executive for Sonovate, The number one provider of finance and placement management technology for contract recruitment agencies. Find similar recruitment content at www.sonovate.com/blog or follow @Calum551

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