Would you write that post if you had nothing to sell?

What are you thoughts when it's obvious that a blog post here on RecruitingBlogs.com was spun/created by a vendor just so they could hyperlink some key words back to their website or the product they are selling?


Views: 263

Comment by Slouch on April 14, 2011 at 1:02pm

Maybe the difference is knowing your audience. Like humor, I read once you better know your audience before you make a joke up on a stage doing a presentation.

I think you are right that we all have an agenda but for the most part here on this site, the agenda is for good discussion.

I think there is for sure a place here for companies looking to sell stuff and the best way for them to do it is to start getting involved with existing conversations and to start conversations about the industry. It does not take long for people to take notice.

Maybe I am just a little cranky. I can't tell anymore.


Comment by Paul Alfred on April 14, 2011 at 1:03pm
Ok I have to admit ... I have picked up a few US Clients because of this Blog site ... and my linkedin connections have jumped significantly ... But it was never intentional - Id love to think it was because of useful blog posts and or responses or both ... Jason this site serves a truck load of purposes outside of keeping up with the industry... :)
Comment by Brian K. Johnston on April 16, 2011 at 4:50pm
Great question Jason..  Perception is reality... and reading through all the comments we have different view points, which is good. (perceptions)  If there is an "A PLAYER"/Innovator in our industry with a rock solid story, and product/service, forgive me, I want to be sold to (softly), and so should you. (Link Link Link)  Why the heck would you spend time on this site if you were not looking to reciprocate?  I monitor the traffic (results) on this site (or I would be here) and this is a GREAT source....Best to ALL, Brian-


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