How to amplify your candidate phone screening process to make more hires.

E3S2 : Guest Nick Livingstone from

 Initial Candidate phone screens are one of the most important parts of the entire recruiting process. Candidate phone screens and hiring manager job requirement intake meetings are critical to filling the job with the right candidate. But let’s face it when you are talking to a candidate taking notes is a major pain in the ass. Ensuring that you ask the same questions to each candidate, capture that conversation and then writing up all your notes and submitting it to the hiring manager can be a huge time suck out of every recruiter's day. If you have followed me for any period of time you know that I’m a HUGE advocate of video and video interviewing is certainly an option but let’s face it the Phone is what recruiters and candidates are used to and changing any kind of human behavior is difficult at best. But I think I just ran into a solution that could revolutionize how recruiters manage the phone screening process without removing the one on one phone screen.

Today’s guest has been in the recruiting industry for over 15 years and he saw a huge problem and was frustrated with candidate phone screens. Let’s face it as a recruiter we’ve all had incredible conversations with candidates but after we write up the summary of the conversation and submit it to the hiring manager we know that the write-up and the resume just don’t do that candidate justice. Today’s guest is the CEO of Honeit. The Honeit interview platform helps companies schedule easier, screen smarter and assess talent faster. It allows recruiters and hiring managers to turn conversations into insights so you can make more hires.

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