This happened today when I called the Recruiting Animal

JD – Hey Animal
Animal – What
JD – Got a second?
Animal – (silence)
JD – You have a real problem
Animal – Ya JD, tell me something new.
JD- Ok I will
Animal – (silence)
JD – (silence)
Animal – (screams)
JD – Have you heard of Bill Boorman
Animal – So what
JD – so you know
Animal – I know already (screams)
JD – So good, I’m not the only one who knows. You know it too.
Animal – (screams) I’m more popular
JD – You’ve been at it a long time and you never get more than 5 people who want to talk to you. You should have heard Bill Today. It was a slaughter and I won’t tell anyone.
Animal – Good. Listen, (screams) I was listening to that show and said nothing, (screams) you want to know why?
JD – (silence)
Animal - I was busy twittering

Views: 120

Comment by RECPEST - Recruiting Pest on July 20, 2009 at 11:58pm
Animal will be real upset when Bill starts talking about how he has monetized his talkshow..! and is selling it to Microsoft!
Comment by Amitai Givertz on July 21, 2009 at 3:12am
Comment by Jerry Albright on July 21, 2009 at 9:24am
I've suggested (somewhat firmly) that Animal needs to change his Twitter bio (and all others) to reflect Bill's clear and decisive move into what was once a limited market. No longer is it the "only" online call-in radio show about recruiting in world is (was) merely the "first".

Groundbreaking? Oh yes. It was..........
Comment by Alan Whitford on July 22, 2009 at 7:18am
There are no shortage of topics, nor is there a lack of bandwidth/space in the marketplace for multiple radio show hosts. Each brings his/her own unique vision to the discussions - controversial, informative, US, UK and global. The audiences will allocate time to the show/topic that suits their needs, as will the participants. I have been happy to be involved with Bill's show from the start (and we will continue to post his audio recordings on I have followed Animal for years and will also look to running some of his audio as well. What is interesting to me is the ongoing crossover that we will see.
Comment by pam claughton on July 22, 2009 at 8:04am
Thanks for the heads up on Bill's show, am listening now and enjoying it.
Comment by Matt Jones on July 22, 2009 at 8:34am
I think Bill and Animal should co-host a show for Satellite Radio. Animal's rants in the beginning offer a unique view and Bill's collaborative style bring open conversation. I enjoy them both!


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