Wed March 16, 2011 is my 4th anniversary show.

I am personally asking you 4 tips 4 recruiters.


You can arrange to call your tip in - in which case you wd have to defend it --

Or you can just give it to me via the comments on this blog. 

I will pass it on to the callers and we will discuss it on our own.


The Recruiting Animal Show

live every Wed at NOON ET

Views: 291

Comment by Alasdair Murray on March 15, 2011 at 2:33pm
ker-boom, tish <- that's drums you can hear
Comment by Rebecca B. Sargeant on March 15, 2011 at 2:43pm

Hello Animal ~


Congradulations on your 4th anniversary show!!!!


Here are my top three Coaching tips for Recruiters:

  1. Eliminate the distractions ~ Production is between 8am - 5pm, nothing matter between those hours except speaking with candidates and clients. 
  2. Keep your WEEKLY GOALS simple and achievable ~ We are driven by instant gratification and the best way to keep us engaged is to feed that desire.  By keeping the goal as simple as 6 Sendouts a week, we can quickly and easily gain a sense of accomplishment while creating the activity needed to net us placements.
  3. Know when enough is enough ~ Recruiting can be a 24 hour a day 7 days a week job if you let it get out of control.  Knowing when to shut off yourself, candidates, computers, phones and general noise will enable you to have a long productive career in Recruiting. 

I am looking forward to tomorrow's show :-)



Rebecca B. Sargeant

Recruiter's Career Coach

Comment by pam claughton on March 15, 2011 at 2:57pm
Plan your day so that you can spend the majority of your time on the phone, not researching or reviewing resumes, do that during planning time, write up your candidates, send emails, review resumes and research who you will call off hours, so that when you come in you can just pull up your list of names and numbers and go. That one tip has made more of an impact than anythin else I've done.
Comment by Recruiting Animal on March 15, 2011 at 2:58pm



Treat them with the respect they deserve and they may well.... pick up the phone to you every time they want to move jobs, maybe even recommend friends.


Dude, are saying that even if I get paid for putting someone in a company I can pull him out?

Comment by Alasdair Murray on March 15, 2011 at 3:01pm
That's surely your call at the time if they pick the phone up in a couple of years down the line and say they want you to find them another role.
Comment by Recruiting Animal on March 15, 2011 at 3:27pm


I wonder how many recruiters place people out of the companies they put them in. It's an awkward situation. Not as par for the course as you suggest

Comment by Alasdair Murray on March 15, 2011 at 3:51pm
Maybe I am thinking more of the contract market. I know recruiters who have had a stable of people for years and have made a successful career out of just managing their careers by sorting out their next move when a contract is soon to be up.
Comment by Recruiting Animal on March 15, 2011 at 4:04pm
That's Jerry but I wonder if he pulls his candidates before he client is finished with them
Comment by Jeff Dickey-Chasins on March 15, 2011 at 4:33pm
Always use job boards. And if you can't use job boards, talk to the Job Board Doctor about which job boards you *can* use.
Comment by Chris Russell on March 15, 2011 at 4:34pm
what jeff said


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