The first thing they teach us as toddlers is the alphabet. In much the same way, new recruiters should also be guided to the ABC's of Recruiting.

A - Advertising - the good ol’ post & pray method

B - Blogs - even if you don't write them, you'll be exposed to plenty

C - Clients - in case you didn’t realise, they pay the bills !

D - Data Base - the resting place for candidates until you take action

E - Employment – the eternal question does employment dictate recruitment or the other way around?

F - Fall Offs - candidates rejecting your job offer after accepting

G - Goal Setting - without which you’d be totally lost

H - Head Hunting – opportunity offers to those already working

I - Interviewing candidates – …….is the only way to place them

J - Job Seekers – are not to be confused with active or passive candidates

K - KPI's - if you think this is bad, wait till you get to ‘T’

L - Linked In - that's where you'll find passive candidates

M - Meetings – the bane of your work life if these are too many or too long

N - Negotiating - business terms / salaries / time

O - Online job boards – contrary to popular belief they cannot replace recruiters

P - Preferred Supplier Listings - you’re either in it or not

Q - Qualifying – time, energy & money down the drain if your jobs & candidates are not qualified

R - Resumes - tons of them with loads of info

S - Shortlisting - the ideal ‘fit’ of candidate to job & vice versa

T - Targets - you really thought the industry did not have any eh?

U – USP – you’d better have some unique selling proposition to compete in this industry

V - Visiting your clients – an absolute necessity

W - What / Why / When / Where - you'll be using these frequently whilst interviewing & qualifying

X - 'X' factor - not just yours. Find out your candidate's ‘X’ factor for a successful reverse market

Y - Yahoo !! - you've just made a placement if you've followed A to X diligently.

Z - zzzzzzz - a good weekend snooze after putting in over 50 hour weeks !!

Views: 877

Comment by C. B. Stalling!! on March 21, 2011 at 1:45pm

I do not always agree with everyone but that also mean you al don't either. I think the phone is number one others my have 26 things that are important.


Happy Recruiting everyone

Comment by Jerry Albright on March 21, 2011 at 1:50pm
Comment by C. B. Stalling!! on March 21, 2011 at 3:50pm
nice dog..


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