This is not the blog I thought I would write. I expected to wax poetic about my obsession with winning, my love of really cute shoes (need lots of money to fund that habit), or maybe even that I liked helping others. Every time I sat down to write, my thoughts drifted to a little girl named Kelsey.
When Kelsey was 3 years old she went to the doctor for her annual checkup. At first Kelsey’s mom didn’t think she had anything to worry about – Kelsey was slower than her siblings in most areas, but every kid is different. Then there were these weird birthmarks. Turns out that Kelsey had Neurofibromatosis – or NF. The delayed speech, muscle weakness, and café au lait spots (those weird birthmarks) are all symptoms.
No parent ever wants to imagine their child with an illness – certainly not a genetic anomaly that can cause tumors to grow on their nerve endings, or cause developmental delays and learning disabilities. No parent wants to hear that their child may not be able to play sports, ride a bike, or even read and write like everyone else.
Luckily Kelsey’s mom was a recruiter. All of a sudden those long days, evening and weekend candidate meetings, early morning calls and other wacky scheduling all made sense. Recruiting has never been a 9-5 time clock punching sort of job. So when Kelsey needed an MRI, mom could take her. When Kelsey started occupational AND physical therapy, mom could take her twice a week. When Kelsey finished her first year of school mom was able to lobby hard and schedule meeting after meeting with the teachers and administration to make sure she got a 2nd year of Kindergarten, not wanting her to move up before she was ready.
And then there’s the money. You’d be amazed at how much of this stuff is not covered by insurance. So when the therapy bills started rolling in Kelsey’s family didn’t go bankrupt. Recruiting can be a lucrative business.
Thanks to the incredible, crazy roller coaster that is recruiting, Kelsey’s mom was able to arrange her schedule to be at the physical therapy appointment when 6 year old Kelsey rode a tricycle for the first time.
I love recruiting because it gave Kelsey’s family the financial stability and schedule flexibility to take care of their youngest daughter. This is Kelsey, and I am her mom.
God bless you, Amy. I am so glad to know you.
OK Amy, this is just amazing. The exact reason Tricendent exists is because of my need 2 years ago to devote time to caring for a sick family member. So on that hand I can relate so much to your perspective. On the other hand, even if that weren't true, you cannot have a heart and not be moved by this. And on top of that, you actually wrote a great story from a journalistic standpoint. This is what blogging should be. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks guys sometimes I forget she even has NF, it's that much under control - if such a thing can ever be.
Paul, I am humbled... it is by God's grace that we've survived those first few rough years! Thank you for your kind words.
Jeff when I told you the other day I knew where you were coming from with the building of Tricendent this is what I was thinking of... so I sort of owe you for this post! :)
No one should ever have to watch their child struggle with illness or a neurological disorder like Kelsey - but those that do- I hope every parent gets their "tricycle moment"
Tricycle moments. Love that Amy!
I actually have a tear in my eye. Kelsey sounds great and she's lucky to have a mother like you. :)
aw shucks thanks Sandra and Samantha! :) Sandra, that is the ultimate compliment coming from you my friend!
Samantha - thanks for that - she's 8 now and already showing her future teenage colors haha
Amy, thanks for sharing! Outside of the normal "I like to help people succeed" part of the business I agree with you on the flexibility and the money. This job has allowed me to assist in getting the necessary services for my older brother who has a developmental disability as well as lead a board for a non profit that provides such services. I am amazed every day how blessed I am to be a part of all of that!
Touching story Amy that was just lovely.
very moving story and glad you were/are that blessed.
Thanks everyone for the kind comments - I have to admit I have a hard time re-reading this without getting a little teary eyed myself. :) I think the bigger lesson is this - recruiters seem to have a reputation (fair or not) for being money motivated, too driven, only after the "close" - it's important to remember we don't always know what's motivating someone.
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