My boss came to me this morning and wants to invest in some recruiter training.  I looked at the AIRS Recruiter Academy- it seems pricey but offers quite a bit.  Does anyone have any recommendations or any thoughts on AIRS?  Thank You in advance for any help or guidance!



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Hi Anthony, does your boss want you to get some kind of "certification" or just training? Whay type of training and why is it being suggested - i.e., are there specific areas that you might need training like sourcing, business development...?

advanced sourcing techniques

Irina Shameva at  has lots of webinars, training, and even a certification program. I have not completed any of her paid trainings yet, but she also has Boolean Strings blog and site which has tons of info - I have learned many, many sourcing techniques, tips, etc. from her and her groups.

If you want to go into a program that also gives certification, here is a link to a free info session being held about the training/certification program she offers: There is a lot of free sourcing information out there as well.

Sorry - spelled Irina's last name incorrectly. It is Shamaeva, but I'm sure you would have found her all the same!

Thank you Amber

Hi Anthony ~


I would like to introduce “Recruiter Coaching.”

As a Recruiter’s Coach, I specialize in working with third party Recruiters to:

• Achieve GM production of a minimum of 250k in one calendar year
• Level out production gaps, while limiting disruptions
• Increasing knowledge of viable recruiting techniques and tools

Recruiting in today’s competitive marketplace requires a razor sharp focus on doing the right things at the right time. This is easy to say but, not always easy to do. Especially, when it seems like new competitors are popping up all over the place, clients are taking longer to move through the hiring process and viable candidate pools are shrinking.

In spite of all this, one truth stands out.

If your Recruiters don’t figure out a way to continue making placements, you’ll be out of the game.

This is where Recruiter Coaching could make a huge difference.

As the Recruiter’s Coach, your Recruiter(s) and I will work together to identify the most effective way forward and what actions that they’ll need to take to improve their performance.

Give me a call to discuss the details.

Rebecca B. Sargeant
Recruiter’s Career Coach
RBS Staffing Consultants
Telephone: USA 617-396-4450

Thank you so much, Amber! :)

My certification program is currently in session; the next round is tentatively planned for September 2012. I feel very excited about it. The first two rounds have included students from 14 countries around the world; corporations like Microsoft, Wal-Mart, Pepsi, OfficeMax, Genentech, Oracle, and Verizon Wireless; recruiting agencies; and research organizations. 

In-between sessions, we offer all the materials for the program, covering search engines, social networks, and productivity tools at; you can upgrade to the full program and take the test later.

People who took AIRS classes have said this:I can already say that your certification is much better  [than AIRS],  It actually makes you “think” instead of just plugging in some answers and forgetting about them a month later like some recruiters/sourcers do.

We have Sourcers of varying levels who have recently taken the PeopleSourcing course and loved it because Irina offers methodology and best-practices relating to the search process in conjunction with the comprehensive list of tools.

Our team was raving about your program at the end of the day yesterday and how it compares to others.


P.S. For those who like free stuff, please check out my article on Google-Plus posted today at Sourcecon; it has some Google+ souring tricks outlined:

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