sometimes candidates dont check their linkedin accounts, so we have tried contacting a few candidates on facebook with very little repsonse....wanted to get some input and thoughts on this, do you contact candidates via facebook and have you had any luck?  methods?



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If you do this I believe you have to be extra careful to acknowledge that you respect the candidate's personal "space" and that you are trying this approach only after attempting contact via the usual business methods. If your message contains proper contact info and a halfway compelling/intriguing hook and they still don't respond, I personally would not push too much further using that approach. The odds are that they will see the FB inbox message and be prompted to check their LI messages if there is interest.

I'm always surprised that anyone would bother joining LI but not enable email notifications, at least for incoming inbox messages. My .02.

If you know where they work, why don't call them at their work place?  

Its a good tool for contacting folks who you can't reach other ways, but I prefer to take the conversation off Facebook as soon as they respond. It keeps them from feeling you have invaded their personal realm. 

I have not had much success in connecting with candidates via Facebook either...I don't like to be pushy since it is their social space...I will generally try reaching them at their work phone# before using Facebook...

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