While "Headhunters for hire" sounds like a great name for a firm (if it isn't already) I'm really referring to various boards that broker the recruiting function.

I was on an interesting call today where a few companies were brought up as players in this field and I wanted to ask my RBC brothers and sisters for their thoughts. I'd love to see some candid discussion about both opinions regarding this type of resource as well as personal experience.

The few that were brought up today?
- Dayak
- Talent Hire
- Bounty Jobs
- Recruit Alliance
- Epic Connect

Not looking for anyone to badmouth these organizations, mind you. I'd just like to see some feedback from our industry from both sides of the fence.
  • How have you used a service such as this?
  • Were you the recruiter?
  • Did you post and pray?
  • Was it effective?
  • Did the outcome meet expectations?
  • Would you (not) recommend?

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I think all of these services offer another option, both for recruiters and companies. What I've seen as a recruiter is that many recruiters will look on these sites and see if there are any openings that match with their current candidates, and if so, they may send over their candidate, but that is often the extent of their effort on the search....unless they are newer recruiters who don't have established clients.

So client companies are not getting experienced recruiters putting forward serious effort on the searches they post there, especially when they can see that 10 or more other recruiters are engaged.....or if those companies are not responsive. Experienced recruiters generally have plenty of business, so it just doesn't make sense for them to devote a great deal of time, if any to work on jobs where they have to give up 25% to the vendor. The only time it could make sense is if they are sitting on a candidate and don't have anything else for him and he matches a job that pops up.

Interestingly I've seen one of the vendors promote their service as a way to cut recruiting costs and eliminate direct contact with recruiters...which again is not going to attract top experienced recruiters, because direct contact is key in building and maintaining relationships.

For independent recruiters who are new or who don't have a lot of clients or hate the business development piece, it could be beneficial. For companies, it is probably hit or miss. Some probably have more success with it than others depending on what their searches are like and how responsive they are.

I looked into a few of them, but they really don't make sense for me. I enjoy business development and am fortunate that business is very good and I have plenty of full fee searches to work on.
Pam it's almost as though you were sitting in my office and listening to part of my response today.
I think you raise several good points and depending on the goal of the recruiter/company some /might/ make sense. I like the idea of the process, though.

Looking forward to other responses - thought I'd share this in the meantime.

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