I realize it has been some time that I have posted here.  I haven't forgotten about all of my beloved friends at RBC.  You know I really don't feel like writing about recruiting, social media, or anything HR right now, but since blogging is a way of therapy- I thought you could get a few laughs.  

So last year I wrote a post Called We Must Have Hit The Fountain of Youth, Because We Sure As Hell Don....  Can I take that back?  Please!!!  A year later, I certainly feel my age now.

For those of you who haven't hit the golden age of 40, let me tell you it is true.  Some of you are going to relate to this, while others just haven't gotten there... YET!  It is ALL true!!  Something happens when you turn 40.  First, you can't see a DAMN thing!  It happened overnight.  I was looking down to read something and I couldn't read it.  Yea- I know- I am an old Man.  I got reading glasses.  It has been a savior for me.  I know you can relate also.  

Secondly, the days of wearing Red Wing boots are just over.  Get me my Skechers.  I am all about comfort these days! I mean, yea, I love my boots, but I certainly like my back not aching the next day also.  Tell me when in the world did this crap happen?

I look in the mirror and I swear I am becoming more like my father every day.  I guess Paul Overstreet said it right when he sang "Seein' my father in me".  Physical characteristics when he was 41 and now that I am 41 are identical.  Not a bad thing, just eerie. 

Being a father of 2 and a husband I find myself saying the same things that my parents said to me when I was a child.  I talk the same.  Smile the same.  

So, as I look at the years ahead, I am excited.  I realize it is just another chapter in my book.  Not bad, just different.  A wrinkle here and there, way too many grey hairs, and two little ones that rely on me every day.  

You know what kills me though is when did 50 sound so damn young?  I still feel like I'm 21 inside, but.. I sure as HELL do Feel like I am 41.  This Jan 26th will be a great one, but no big parties this year.  Just time with the family and friends.  

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.

Views: 334

Comment by Matt Charney on January 24, 2014 at 6:00pm

Will - good content is good content, whether or not it's about recruiting (confession: I don't much love writing about it, either).  But we haven't forgotten you, either, so thanks for sharing this - funny thing is,  turning 30 made me feel the same way, so guess getting old doesn't get old. Neither does your writing. Appreciate you.

Comment by Tim Spagnola on January 24, 2014 at 8:13pm
Will - as one that turned 41 a few weeks ago, I can really relate to this post on many levels. Thank you for sharing what's on your mind. It is what this RBC stage is all about. Your voice is always welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy your weekend and an early happy birthday for you Brother. 41 is just another number in the end.
Comment by Will Thomson on January 25, 2014 at 11:43am
Matt- I appreciate it! Yea, if we wrote about recruiting all the time we would get sick of it quick.

Tim- I know not everyone can relate,but I knew you would. Our lives are pretty similar- age just being part of it.

Hopefully others will get a few smiles also.
Comment by Kelly Blokdijk on January 25, 2014 at 7:07pm

I've been wearing contacts and glasses since HS, but my vision only seemed to become more complicated in the past couple of years. My optometrist hasn't prescribed reading glasses, yet, but said I will need them when I run out of nose to lower my current specs when I need to adjust from far to near. Sheesh! 

The weird thing is, aside from the external and sometimes internal age-related "side-effects" I still feel like the same person I always was. I do notice that normal clothes and shoes are increasingly uncomfortable though. I just thought that was because of my current home-based situation I only infrequently dress presentably and wear soft, loose, casual stuff the majority of time. 

I'm a bit more "experienced" than you in the b-day dept, but best wishes from a fellow Aquarian! 

Comment by Tim Spagnola on January 26, 2014 at 1:11pm

Happy Birthday Will!

Comment by Will Thomson on January 26, 2014 at 10:06pm

Hey Kelly, thanks for responding.  I do feel like the same person.  I'd like to think I have grown up a tad :).. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Tim, again- thank you.  It was a great day.

Comment by Ryan Leary on January 27, 2014 at 11:51am

Well you look 51, so you are finally catching up... :-)

Comment by Will Thomson on January 27, 2014 at 12:00pm

I have my hair Ryan.  :)

Comment by Valentino Martinez on February 3, 2014 at 3:33am

Belated Happy Birthday, Will.

Interesting, turning 41....  Looking back now, from a more experienced vantage point, reminds you how fast time seems to have zipped by.  Yet you count your blessings and your losses -- and gird-up for more of the same.

BTW--while you're contemplating your 41st -- on Feb 14th, I'm entering my 43rd year in recruiting.  Talk about blessings & losses & scar-tissue; and more to come...

Comment by Will Thomson on February 3, 2014 at 8:58am

Hey Valentino- long time no talk.  Hope all is well with you.  Yes, 43 years in recruiting is a long time.  This picture says it all.  #happiness.  


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