Old School Strategies for New Recruiting Challenges with @LevyRecruits and @MaureenSharib

You’d think that with all the talk about tools and technology out there, it takes the right system or software to compete for talent as a recruiter today. But let’s be real – at the end of the day, recruiters are in the business of building relationships. And when it comes to the human part of hiring, high touch beats high tech every time.

But if you’re one of those recruiters who hates picking up the phone and eschews interpersonal, individualized interactions with candidates for the expediency of template touch points and automated e-mails, you need to rethink what you really know about what really works in sourcing and recruiting.

Join Us: January 27th at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT

Turns out, just because it’s traditional doesn’t mean it’s not effective. Learn how to get the most out of these proven methods with our complimentary webinar, Old School Strategies for New Recruiting Challenges, presented in partnership with our friends at JobviteWe’re bringing in some heavy hitters to drop the knowledge on how you can use old techniques and tactics to create new value – and start building relationships instead of lead lists.

In this exclusive event just for Recruiting Blogs readers join Steve Levy, Recruiting Lead at Kaltura, and Maureen Sharib, one of the world’s top telephone sourcing trainers, to learn:

  • Sourcing 101: Back to the Phones – For all the excitement about mobile recruiting, it seems we forget that the phone function on our devices still works, too. Learn the basics of phone sourcing and what you need to know the next time you dial. You’ll never have to make a cold call with these hot tips and tricks.
  • It’s the Message, Not the Medium: Whether you’re looking to source candidates via an InMail or by picking up the phone, finding them and their contact information is one thing – getting them to actually respond is far more difficult. We’ll look at some ways to break through the noise and make sure your call to action is actually worth listening to.
  • In Real Life Is Still Really Important: From networking events to career fairs, when it comes to recruiting, face-to-face still matter more than Facebook. We’ll look at some of the ways to turn recruiting events from necessary evil to invaluable asset when building relationships and developing a pipeline, along with some secrets for researching and following up on leads, generating referrals and building word-of-mouth with, well, word of mouth. The best way to get in front of a candidate is by getting in front of them, after all.

Whether you’re a veteran headhunter used to making dozens of calls a day to a rookie sourcer focusing primarily on social media, if your job is to attract, engage and hire the best talent for your business, there’s nothing more fundamental than knowing these recruiting fundamentals.

Forget what’s new and what’s next – register now to find out what works.

Meet Our Presenters:

Maureen Sharib is a phone sourcer who’s been working in the sourcing space since the mid 90s. She co-founded the sourcing firm TechTrak around simple phone sourcing principles and to this day uses the fundamental ground rules of telephone communication to help companies find and telephone-contact candidates for their hard-to-place positions.  Nowadays, she feels more like a "phone-use consultant" for all the inquiries she gets from bosses who feel their workers should be at the disposal of customers and clients – imagine that! Connect with Maureen on Twitter or LinkedIn. 

Steve Levy is the recruiting lead at Kaltura. Connect with Steve on Twitter of LinkedIn.

Views: 337

Comment by Anna Brekka on January 26, 2015 at 11:19am

I for one is looking forward to this webinar - Two smart, dedicated and fanatic sourcers!!


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