Wow. 10,000 members, a whack load of constant participation and an endless supply of goodness - at least that's how I see it.

I made a video today when we where about 20 people away and I was hoping at some point this evening we were going to hit that milestone. As it turned out, during my presentation in Omaha, we hit it and I had not had a chance to put the video up.

So though the timing here is not perfect, I wanted to get the video up and to say thanks to everyone for everything and to say thanks to Maren Hogan and for putting together a very good networking event.

Tomorrow morning I will announce the biggest giveaway in history. It's really just the beginning. Donato, you are a generous man.

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Nice video, JD.

Still blows me away.

Here's to 10k members, and the biggest, whackiest, give-away in history!

AWESOME Jason! Congratulations and I look forward to toasting you soon! Outstanding accomplishment and collectively you've created one @#$@# of a Community! Cheers!!
Congrats Jason on 10K!!! 20K here we come, right? Then 50K, then the world!

Major Congrats! You've created something really special here.


Heartfelt congratulations.. what can I say? I am happy to have joined the group 5 weeks ago.. and having lots of fun.. and learning from so many here. Thanks for creating this special site to share, grow and learn.

More to come~

Nice work, Jason. Nice.

- Jim

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