Yesterday I got a call from a recruiter who wanted to talk about a pretty attractive corporate position that I would have been qualified for 5 or 6 years ago. It felt good - however both he and I wasted our time talking; I've long moved on to do very different things. Had he simply "googled" me prior to talking he would have saved himself a call.

What do you do in terms of searching for info on the web to find out about the person prior to making that call?


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The first thing i do is look for them on LinkedIn and 90% of the time i have found who i was looking for. For the 10 % i usually google them.
I found a software engineer in Boston on a blog site. He hadn't posted his resume anywhere on the net and was surprised how i found him(name and email).
Seems like second nature to do a quick google search, and I agree with Arbab that LinkedIn is such a fabulous tool that it's usually where you find the most useful background detail, but Google can give a little more insight from various sources. I like to be prepared for a call before I make it, a little info goes a long way.

Did he at least figure out that it wasn't going to be a fit quickly and move on to asking for referrals?
I generally make calls for one of two objectives. One, as a direct recruiting call to sell an opportunity in hopes that individual will be interested. The second, is purely networking - in hopes of getting a friendly referral. The former intention obviously requires a little more research - linked in, google, myspace, etc.. - but they are never a waste of time regardless of you being the caller or recipient.
Thanks! Yes, I meant direct recruiting calls. It's great to network but if you have only so much time and a long list of people to call it's good to do some research aeahd of time. Here's one technique I posted a few weeks ago on Maureen's site:




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