Nice..., why do they do it? Fear?
In my first recruiting position, my boss encouraged me to lie all the time. I quickly changed this practice when I realized it got me nowhere except kicked to the curb in most calls. The days of blocked IDs and rusing are still here, but will those that use these tactics be here for much longer?
Step up, say who you are and what you are offering. You will be remembered. For the right reasons.
that is great.. may I share a story of my own
Ring Ring - Hi, my name is John, and am interested in applying for your position
me, looking down at the caller ID seeing it is slimy recruiting company Inc - Hi John, where are you calling from
- As I said I am john, and saw that you had an opening for a sales position, want to submit my resume, can you tell me who the company is before I submit my resume?
- John, I know you are a recruiter... I have caller ID - You are a cherry picking scum ball
- is this how you talk to candidates
Another incident.. gee I am on a roll -- Member of Top Echelon network, you know that Sharing Network, where recruiters PAY money to have other recruiters help each other out.. There was a PRIVATE mutual sharing job board where I happened to mention that my client was in Tuscon.. My client and I spoke later that evening, where she mentioned that she had had several calls from recruiters from Top Echelon about the position within an hour after I posted, and they were demonstrating that they had a team of other recruiters that could help fill the position.
Oh, did I mention that she never had any recruiter calling her prior to this.. Small upstart company, brand new job opening, that wasn't even posted online.
One other time, a recruiter calls up a couple of candidates reading my job order to the candidates trying to figure out who my client was..
Best one was where another recruiter asked me for the name of my client on a VERY confidential search many many years ago, I said, just dont' call anyone who worked in this particular city. client calls me later asking how come he got a call regarding the said confidential search that noone was to be aware of.. Seems that the "friendly" recruiter called every company in said particular city, to locate the job order.
Woah, that felt good getting that off my Chest.. Yeah, there are some slime balls in our industry.. Seriously, if you can't get your own job order and have to cherrry pick like this, maybe that is a clue that you should be trying something else.
it is people like this that hurt the good ones.
I don't know if I want to laugh or throw up, maybe a little of both.
Usually, I keep a mental note of the professional, courteous cold callers from various industries. If they don't piss me off, I figure they might make good sales people. If they call back regularly and don't tick me off, well, I am very impressed. When they lie to me, I tend to rip into them like a lion who just got a raw piece of meat. I smell insecurity in their lies, and I show no mercy.
But how many HR people really take the time to really check on the agencies they work with? I have to guess from the call that many don't even remember the names. Clearly someone thought it would work, well enough to write it on their script. It takes effort on both sides, and if you work with a good agency you should tell others about it too.
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