Dean Da Costa's Blog (675)

The Call!!

The Call!!


So often when calling a potential candidate, most recruiters go into their sales pitch about a position they are looking to fill, if the person they are talking to seems interested, they might talk more about the position. If the candidate does not seems interested they quickly end the call to move onto the next. In most cases it is almost like they are reading a script and really do not care anything about the person…


Added by Dean Da Costa on June 18, 2012 at 9:09pm — No Comments

Keeping a remote team a team!!

One of the biggest issue that staffing organizations and for that matter any organization faces, in the advent of remote workers, is how to keep and make a remote team a team.


 Well keeping a remote team a team, can easily be done if you are not only a great manager but a great leader.


A great leader will find a way to motivate, congratulate, educate and unify a team regardless of…


Added by Dean Da Costa on June 12, 2012 at 3:39pm — No Comments

Strings, Strings and more Strings!!

Strings, Strings and more Strings!!


So as most of you know I blogged about 25+ posts of search strings. However 1 thing has been made clear to me. Some people did not read the initial post.


What I posted were what is called uber strings. An uber string, like an uber resume, is a long string that encompasses most of all the possible permutations you could use to search for. This then allows you…


Added by Dean Da Costa on June 4, 2012 at 8:19pm — No Comments

Looking for Predetermined responses can cost you candidate!

Looking for Predetermined responses can cost you candidate!

Throughout my career there is one thing I have noticed out of novice recruiters, interviewers, HR personnel, companies who are young or in experienced with hiring and recruiting and hiring managers. That is the "predetermined response". The predetermined response is the response the person asking…


Added by Dean Da Costa on May 30, 2012 at 7:18pm — No Comments

Interview Feedback

OKay we have read interviewing 101, we have read BTOS, and we have read conducting the interview. Now Feedback


Interview Feedback

Should we hire the candidate or not

At the end of your interview you should be able to say whether you think this candidate should be hired for this job or not. But do not just stop there, also state whether this candidate should be hired for another position you may be aware of. A key to remember is, that…


Added by Dean Da Costa on May 23, 2012 at 1:51am — No Comments

Conducting the Interview

During the interview your goal is to gather information so you can make a solid hiring recommendation. It is important to remember that candidates come from a variety of sources. Not all candidates want to interview with Your Company. In some cases, we have persuaded them to consider Your Company and come meet with you. Always read the mail from the staffing consultant on the morning of the interview to learn more about the circumstances of this candidate. Perhaps they are a referral, a…


Added by Dean Da Costa on May 15, 2012 at 4:53pm — 2 Comments

The BTOS Interviewing System

The BTOS Interviewing System

The premise behind the BTOS (Business, Targeted, Open Door, Sequential Interviewing system) is utilizing behavioral interviewing and Looklisology (see previous blog posting on Looklisology) and Probing questioning to combine and form a unique, highly flexible, and successful interviewing system. To start let's look at the definitions of each of the main parts of BTOS

Business Behavioral Interviewing(BBI)- Business…


Added by Dean Da Costa on May 8, 2012 at 10:18pm — No Comments

Interviewing 101!!

Interviewing 101!!

Over the last 2-3 months I have been hit up about interviewing. Different interviewing styles, questions, setup etc. I remembered a set of posting I did a little over 2 years ago about this subject, and figured it was time to bring them back So here you go the first in a multi-part set of posts on interviewing. Keep in mind these are not in any order.

Conducting the Interview!!

During the interview your goal is to…


Added by Dean Da Costa on May 1, 2012 at 8:05pm — No Comments

Little words that can change the way we communicate!!!


Little words that can change the way we communicate!!!

There have been numerous books written on the subject of communication. One of the best is "Conscious Business" by Fred Kofman. I am reading this book now, but have read numerous others on the subject. The one thing that sticks in my mind…


Added by Dean Da Costa on April 24, 2012 at 12:35am — 1 Comment

How to ask questions to determine a candidates Integrity & Honesty!!

Recently I came across a series of postings form a staffing professional, about how to determine the honesty and integrity of candidate. I realized I had blogged about that some time ago and directed this person to that post. She emailed me liking what I wrote and asked me to repost it so it would be easier to find, so here it is. Realize that the questions below are all behaviorally based however if you use the BTOS method you can turn these 9 questions into many many more. If you ar enot…


Added by Dean Da Costa on April 16, 2012 at 7:09pm — No Comments

Your Resume the Key to new Opportunities!!

So with the economy picking up, jobs being created I was asked to repost this old post, to help those looking. So here you go


Your Resume the Key to new Opportunities!!

Your resume, think of it as the key to opening doors to new possibilities and opportunities.  So given it is the key, you should probably learn how to write a great resume. First there are 3 main styles of resumes:

Chronological Resume: A chronological…


Added by Dean Da Costa on April 9, 2012 at 7:11pm — No Comments

“MOST”-Part 6!!! Getting the “MOST” out of yourself, Bringing it all Together!!

“MOST”-Part 6!!!

Getting the “MOST” out of yourself,

Bringing it all Together!!


So this is part #6, Bringing it all Together with the “MOST” technique.


Okay so let’s bring it all together.


If we learn how to multitask, then we can get more done in a shorty time frame, which will help with time management and planning and be helped…


Added by Dean Da Costa on April 3, 2012 at 12:44am — No Comments

MOST”-Part 5!!! Getting the “MOST” out of yourself, Time Management and Planning!!


“MOST”-Part 5!!!

Getting the “MOST” out of yourself,

Time Management and Planning!!


So this is part #5, pillar 4 on the “MOST” technique.


Pillar 4 Time Management and Planning, simply put you need to understand or learn how to manage your time effectively and have a plan.


Time management and Planning are together…


Added by Dean Da Costa on March 27, 2012 at 7:51pm — No Comments

“MOST”-Part 4!!! Getting the “MOST” out of yourself, Speed!!

“MOST”-Part 4!!!

Getting the “MOST” out of yourself,



So this is part #4, pillar 3 on the “MOST” technique.


Pillar 3 Speed, not just fast but warped speed fast, the ability to perform at warped speed is essential to the pillars.


So this is a biggy, speed can be god given, or gained over time and effort or both. For our purposes we…


Added by Dean Da Costa on March 19, 2012 at 6:13pm — No Comments

“MOST”-Part 3!!!

“MOST”-Part 3!!!

Getting the “MOST” out of yourself,



So this is part #3, pillar 2 on the “MOST” technique.



Pillar 2 Organization , you need to be organized to the point you do not waste time looking for information or trying to remember what search goes were etc.


Organization is a very important pillar to the…


Added by Dean Da Costa on March 12, 2012 at 6:35pm — No Comments

“MOST”-Part 2!!! Getting the “MOST” out of yourself, Multitasking!!

“MOST”-Part 2!!!

Getting the “MOST” out of yourself,



So this is part #2, pillar 1 on the “MOST” technique.


Pillar 1, Multitasking, the ability to do more than one thing at the same time. When most people hear the word multitask they think 2-3 things at once. However in my world it could mean as many as 15+ things at once or…


Added by Dean Da Costa on March 5, 2012 at 2:09pm — No Comments

“MOST”-Part 1!!!

“MOST”-Part 1!!!

Getting the “MOST” out of yourself, the 4 pillars needed to get to the next level.


Often I am asked what are the secrets of my success. When I try to explain it, most people thought some of these secrets were not something you could learn, you either had it or not. To a point this is true, but also to a point you can learn them and as such can get better.


So here I will…


Added by Dean Da Costa on February 28, 2012 at 4:56pm — No Comments

PPS, anything that goes wrong in Staffing comes down to PPS!

PPS, anything that goes wrong in Staffing comes down to PPS!

PPS stands for People, Processes and Systems. Basically the premise is if there is anything wrong within a staffing or for that matter any organization it comes down to either the People, the Process or the systems being used. 

For people we are not just talking recruiters, or sourcers. We are talking anyone who has anything to do with staffing, sourcing, hiring of people to the company. That means, the…


Added by Dean Da Costa on February 20, 2012 at 8:36pm — 3 Comments

2012 and beyond, what is coming?

2012 and beyond, what is coming?


So what is going to be the new in thing in staffing? In my post some time ago titled “Staffing Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow!!” I went over the direction staffing might take in the future and were staffing came from.


Now let see what the coming year has to offer.


Like Social Media was to 2011 , Mobile will be come in 2012. The ability of staffing professionals and…


Added by Dean Da Costa on February 8, 2012 at 1:00pm — 3 Comments

QR the Bar code of Staffing, Recruiting, and HR!!

QR the Bar code of Staffing, Recruiting, and HR!!


QR code stand for Quick response code.  It is basically a bar code that can quickly allow smart phones or any mobile device that has the application to provide quick easy access to anything on the internet.


This is fast becoming the new thing to put on resumes, business cards etc.

What it does is to easily allow someone to download your contact info, and…


Added by Dean Da Costa on January 31, 2012 at 5:45pm — No Comments

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