Congratulations - You've Made It to the Starting Line!


I have received calls from several (which means more than 2) recruiters these past few weeks.  All had the same general questions for me:  How’s business?  Is the worst over?  Have any job orders?  What’s it like in your market?  Are things picking up?

I’ve got news for you.  Unless you plan to do something different to compete “this time around” you may as well hang it up! 

So you were a big hit in the recruiting world before this whole thing crashed, eh?  Made lots of money?  Big deal.  We all did!  I’ve got news for you – it wasn’t you.  It was the market.  The mad skillz you thought you had were hardly unique.  Post your job, sort through some resumes, blast them over (to the client that emailed you the job req) and make a placement.  Life was simple enough.  Life was good. 

Guess what pal?  That’s not gonna fly this time around.  The game has changed.  You better bring a different level of service.  You don’t get to play this time unless you do something that sets you apart from the hordes of hopeful staffers wanting to jump back on the gravy train.  So you better think about it. 

Does your presentation sound exactly like the recruiter who called just before you?  Will the recruiter calling "your client" have something a little more unique to offer?  Are you better?  Can you be?  Will you be?

Sorry to bring you down – since you’re feeling pretty good having somehow survived the downturn.  You feel the tough part is over – and you may be right.  But some of you (us) sense that you’ve (we've) somehow won the race……and we haven’t.  We've merely survived long enough to compete again. 

We’re starting a new race.  You’re at the starting line.  Look to your left – see them all?  Look to your right – the competition is hungry! 

Runners ready?  On your mark.  Get set.  GO!


(Note:  This was originally posted on my personal blog - - a while back but I felt it was a good time to post it here.)

Views: 1662

Comment by Will Branning on March 9, 2011 at 2:43pm
I needed those reminders that setting myself apart from the pack is needed...can I provide resumes others don't, and can I close offers on my candidates? I am off again on the recruiting race...
Comment by Jerry Albright on March 9, 2011 at 2:57pm
Thanks Will.  Most times when I blog about something it's usually more of a "note to self" than anything else.  One thing about recruiting is you have to wake up every day and do it again!
Comment by Julia Stone on March 9, 2011 at 4:10pm

I wish I had time to call and see if things were picking up, but we are swamped as I know you are!


Great advice and very Zen like of you Jerry.

Comment by C. B. Stalling!! on March 9, 2011 at 6:03pm

No time to call anyone but candidates......working 15 hr days and that still not enough..



Comment by Barbara Goldman on March 10, 2011 at 9:50am

Great post.

Yes, things are picking up for us too.

Interesting things are happening, mergers, acquisitions, etc. I am also working twelve hours a day, as are most people in our office. FUN FUN FUN!




Comment by Paul Alfred on March 10, 2011 at 6:51pm
Jerry you are so right ...
Comment by Travis Yeager on March 10, 2011 at 10:12pm

Jerry. I appreciate the words of one with many years experience. I was going to pick up the phone and call you but I've reconsidered. 






= what?


The "Dude" Abides

Comment by C. B. Stalling!! on March 11, 2011 at 11:21am
@ Travis pick of the phone and call a client


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