Quintura - see & findAlways a fan of search engine technology and advancements, as well as being extremely visual, I enjoy playing with new toys. One that's been re-released in beta is Quintura - the visual search engine.

Taking clouds to a new level, Quintura allows you to search the internet by using a keyword cloud. Not sure what that is? Let me take a shot at it - Quintura presents to you a visual map that shows the words it things are contextually related to your initial search query in an effort to make that query more accurate. The words are then displayed on the basis of how closely related they are to the initial search terms, thus displaying the semantic relationship between the words.
I assure you, this becomes infinitely more clear when experienced as opposed to skimming my quick explanation - give it a shot at the below link or here - it wouldn't work embedded here on RecruitingBlogs. (hint: hover around before clicking around!) It's worth the click.

So here comes the fun part - in February Quintura released a widget for site owners to install on their site (see the right side of RecruiterGuy blog) and opt to include results from their site or a network of sites. Search ads will be presented within the cloud and the click-through profits can be split amongst site owners. Nothing short of neat!

Interested in signing up? Check it out here and let Quintura begin indexing your site and/or RSS feeds. Rest assured novice webmasters - the cloud is easily customizable and a snap to embed on your own site.

also posted here...

Views: 41

Comment by Steve Sill on June 11, 2008 at 12:50pm
Ok... that is cool
Comment by RecruiterGuy on June 11, 2008 at 6:40pm
Quite amazing. Spent some time playing with it this morning. Love some of the features and I'm anxious to see what is next.


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