If you're actually on the front lines and have something to say, don't let not having an idea keep you from getting your voice out there.  We're all sick and tired of hearing about "authenticity" and "transparency" from marketers, but if you actually make placements or hires for a living, you can actually achieve what marketers can only talk about.  

Here are 15 blog post prompts to put in your pocket if you ever decide to get started.  And the type I'd love to see shared at RecruitingBlogs, which as you likely know, depends on the editorial contributions of readers (and recruiters) like you. And the good news is, because nothing ever actually changes, it's unlikely that any of these suggestions will get stale.

Whether or not you actually consider using any of these ideas, remember it's not what you write about, it's who writes it.  And if you actually do this stuff for a living, any approach you take to content will be infinitely more relevant than the schtick put out by marketers like me.

1. Where The Recruiting Industry Will Be 5 Years From Now

2. Hidden Facts About Recruiters Most Candidates Don't Know

3. Things You Wish Your CEO Knew About Recruiting

4. The Biggest Problems in Recruiting and HR Technology Can't Fix

5. Top Recruiters You Should Follow On Twitter 

6. Smart Ways To Spend Your Limited Recruiting Budget

7. Why You Should (or Shouldn't) Invest in Social Media

8. How To Convince Your Hiring Manager To Consider A Candidate

9. Little Changes That Will Make A Big Difference With Recruiting And Hiring

10. The New Face and New Challenges of the Changing Workforce 

11. Most Common Misconceptions About Recruiters Every Candidate (or Client) Should Know

12. Things Recruiters Hate Most About Recruiting (or HR) Technology

13. The Best Mobile and Social Apps for Filling Positions Faster

14. Ask The Recruiter: Answering The Questions Candidates and Hiring Managers Ask the Most

15. What Every New Recruiter Needs To Know To Survive and Thrive 

If these are helpful, let us know - there are more where that came from since these are pretty easy to come up with - it's the writing that's the hard part.

Views: 446

Comment by Keith Halperin on April 2, 2014 at 1:30pm

Really good! These put "the little grey cells" in action...


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