The Ties That Bind....What is Important In Life And Business

I have so many thoughts scurrying through my head this evening as the writer's pen beckoned to me yet again. A blog is so enlightening to see what is trully in your heart, and really define for you what matters more than anything. As my days at Solutions Partners have gone forward I have come to love and further respect my colleagues. They are full of incredible backgrounds, professionals of the highest ethical caliber, and possess a confidence and skill that make me sit back in awe.

What matters most in Life and Business? Family. Freinds. Colleagues. Client Relationships. Candidate Relationships. I have had so many moments where life lessons have uniquely come when I least expected them to arrive. But the ties that bind, the power of individual relationships, it does not cease to amaze me.

I am just discovering for myself what I am capable of. I once heard a good freind say, if you want success, associate with those who spawn and dictate that direction. That from a college professor. So many times in my career I wanted to propel things forward in my way. But alas, life is not all about what we need. There are others to consider, and at times my willingness to add harmony has propelled me to the direction and crossroads I have encountered. Every choice I have made I do not regret, rather I take pride in the fact that I am better for having this network. In fact, every manager I have ever had has given me tools and ways to look at the world. I did not always agree, but I saw through these mentors a better way to work, and move. They took time to help me and lead by example, never giving up on me. For that I am loyal. I will remain loyal to those who show loyalty and strength to me, striving to deliver value and give worth for the time I give. Every day we have the opportunity to give a gift. I choose to make this gift be my best work, and let my outcomes define my mettle and prove my worth.

I think it is safe to say after 5 years I am exactly where I belong. HR Consulting and Staffing are two areas I love. There is something about helping a client meet that need they are trying so desparately to make work that drives me.

Today, my little baby girl and my wonderful wife came to visit. It was wonderful, and brought a smile to my co-workers faces as well as my own. This is my greatest treasure on earth, nothing in the world can buy the happiness that comes of family. When all is said and done, and if all your freinds were to leave you, your immediate family would be there, not all of us have this, but for me, my wife and daughter are two of the most important aspects of my life. They are the reasons I go to work, why I get up everyday.

Why else do I get up everyday? My co-workers. I can't say enough about their support, humor, and guiding influence. It is indeed the best choice I have ever made-Thank You SPI! In 6 months, I have become a better man because of you. I will repay your loyalty. We have a lot of wonderful opportunity ahead. And even in a down economy, with this team, anything is possible.

So many aspects of our lives run at a crossroads with others in staffing. You may run into a former boss, client, or prospect in some vein or other. Let it be said of you, did you remember the ties that bind? Did you make that relationship count? Did you treat the other person with dignity? Respect? Did you open the doors for others to take the steps to their dream opportunity?

The ties that bind. It sounds like a soap opera title, doesn't it? But life sometimes is like a soap opera. It has its moments, the tide roles in and out, and as one soap opera claims, as runs the sands of the hour glass, so are the days of our lives. Well put! Do we use every day for the gift it is? Do we take it in stride? Do we become the individual who delivers value for others by our perspective? Do we champion for others a renewed focus?

I must say, that these ties that bind, make sense at this stage in my career. Thank goodness I landed in the right place at the right time. In due time, if I am patient, I can help deliver incredible results, and help my team get to our shared focus.

Remember that due to ties that bind, bridges and tunnels from the past must always be maintained. Speak well of others. Deliver value. Build trust. Build faith. Build hope. Build ties that bind, that will enable you to stand at the end of the day, as you take your car key from your pocket to turn your attention to home, that you did all you could that day to let your actions be your badge of honor.

I am an Eagle Scout, and still that Oath comes back to me internally:

"On my honor, I will do my best, to do my duty to God and my country, to obey the scout law, to keep myself morally strong, mentally awake, and morally straight."

To this day, it still beats within me. My honor follows me wherever I go. My integrity, and the way I speak of others, giving them dignity, retaining kindness for kindness, will follow me for the remainder of my career.

Make a commitment, now. Retain the ties that bind. Strengthen those ropes and cords and fasten them strong. Let your inward commitment to your team help them lift that heavy load using the ties that bind in a pulley system. Pulley's make it possible to lift impossible loads by making the ropes ten times as strong to enable a lift and help an insurmountable lifting task a moot point.

We can all strengthen the ties that bind. Your attitude starts the whole process. Check negativity at the door. As I chose to focus on the positive for the last 2 weeks, throwing away my pride at the door, and doing all I could to support time strapped folks, I found my productivity went up, my focus changed. It wasn't all about me anymore, but a larger framework. I have been trying to inwardly focus in this manner, and the payoff has been huge.

The lesson is that the ties that bind, the relationships we build now, will forever dictate who we become and the opportunities we make for others and for ourselves. Building the ties stronger, and doing all one can to uplift another, through service, and just adding value passionately delivering this as your ensign to others, this is life's greatest opportunity. The ties that bind, are the ties to success after all when all is said and done.

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