The Desire To Succeed, Networking Will Get You There! Facing The Giants.

So, here we are, nearing the under 9,000 mark on the DOW and watching the world economy on a roller coaster ride of epic proportions. These are the days of lost savings, and epic hopes dashed. These are the days where your co-workers are watching their bank accounts, and freinds and family wonder: What's Next? How will I pay that bill? So much is happening around us, and many folks need that innate spark to light the way. Who will lead that way? Who will be the power players to ignite change? Who will say, I can, and must do today better than I did yesterday? Oh, it is an innate inward human trait to panic when things don't go the way we hoped. The days of cheap credit and living on the run are over. We must save, watch our budgets and plan to prepare for a rainy day.

Be realistic. Having hope is not about giving up. We must have faith in this economy. Let it be said that one of the best places to be in a time like this is in recruiting and staffing. There will always be hard positions to fill, and good candidates that match a client's roles. I beleive that every candidate has potential to be a fill and a hire. Optimistic? Overly enthusiastic? Please.

I am so sick and tired of hearing people say no. I emphatically need and desire for people to open doors. How can this be done? Through networking. Recently, a good friend of mine through church is prepping us to receive a new job order. Networking made this possible, and a good relationship from the past, she was my former client at another company, which goes to show, your best trully matters in whatever endeavor you undertake.

I do not care anymore for people who drag hope down into the gutter of circumstance and get so depressed that they can't see the road ahead. It is trully satisfying to win a client over to the point where they reach out to you. I can't say it enough. Relationships, reputation, networking, wow it ALL matters.

The way you treat folks is paramount. I have made a couple of mistakes in my career where I said and did things that made me kick myself. But I learn from those days, and rise strong and NEVER make the same mistake twice. How many times have I learned in my career as a young professional to find my inward resolve to get back on my feet when knocked down and make a difference again.

It is all about attitude, it is about knowing inwardly that you can be successful in spite of people saying no. I know that life is 90% what I give and 10% of circumstance.

These are not days to droop your head, put yourself in a defensive posture and whittle away the days in quiet doom and gloom rehearsals in your minds' eye. "So thinketh a man, is what he becomes". I beleive that.

Success comes from networking, no doubt about it, and how you care for your network says volumes about your character. Do you trully respect folks? Do you trully enhance their inward fire and help them on the way. After all we all belong to the same planet. Really, do we have that many differences? We are more alike in many ways, and all of us have a share for how we turn this mess around in the next few years. So I say while the going gets tough, make the tough get going. Fire up your hope, and resolve. Success comes from networking, and networking always happens when you are about your daily work everyday. What will be the lasting legacy you leave? Let success follow your reputation. Let your reputation build your forward momentum, and leave nothing to chance. The folks you interact with should be respected and helped. Be kind to those who struggle, in due time they may be your boss!

Let me ask, when you remember the story of David and Goliath in the Bible, think about that story and remember how David took a sling and a stone and conquered a giant mightier than he, and laughing about his chances against him. David had a strong faith and inward hope. He did NOT let circumstances dictate his outcome, however big it seemed. He faced the Giant, knocked him to the earth and sent a vastly superior Army scurrying away. In our lives we face Giants, but do we overcome them? Do we have the inward peace needed to secure a victory against seemingly insurmountable odds? That is so key. In these days of economic Giants, remember, that your kindnesses and associations pay off. Be a strong value added player and in due time, people will remember you, which will lead to new success. That is the true test of these new days. Face and overcome your Giants, and soon you will open incredible doors. That is what Recruiting is all about!

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