A Call To Holiday Action - Take Back Our Holiday Season By Doing Something Positive

There is a lot going on in this past week which shattered what is supposed to be for many a positive time of the year.  The airwaves have been flooded with bad news this past week.  A quick summary of what propels me to put forth a call for action - a "take back to a positive direction our holiday season" kind of call to action:

1.  My company ADP has an office in Clackamas, OR, and I serve many clients there to assist with their staffing needs.  On December 11, that community faced the tragedy of a mall shooting.

2.  On my old street right in front of where I had lived prior to taking my current post at ADP - there was also a homicide which took place there in the quiet neighborhood we had enjoyed on Fairhaven Dr, in San Jose, CA - when a teenager this week was found dead as his car had hit a tree after apparently being fatally wounded by a gunshot.  This was a street and a neighborhood NO ONE thought would ever have an incident such as this.

3.  Newton, CN - I do not need to go into what happened here further but we all know the tragedy and sadness which leaves many questions unanswered about why someone would do as Adam Lanza did, and why such things occur?


So I sat back thinking today what is to be done?  I have heard remedies proposed by many would be solution solvers - and my hat goes off to you but it begged the question why so many incidents, and why here during the holidays when many of us wish to have hope, faith, and options of peace and joy?  Some proposed remedies I have heard to rectify our state of affairs:


  • More gun control.  Many theorize by limiting guns that they can further control further tragedies.
  • Some have stated - "we must now home school our kids because our schools are not safe".
  • Some look at what appears to be a spike in violence in the workplace, synogogue, church, mosque, schools, and public places - movie theaters, and suggest we need increased security in all these places.
  • Some propose we don't go out into the world at all and hide behind closed doors.
  • Some state publicly that they want "revenge" on perpetrators, or harder sanctions to punish those responsible.
  • It is likely that lawsuits will come out from several different places for all the tragedies witnessed over this past year and this will likely stem the further tide or so they hope.
  • Some suggest that increased security at airports, public transportation and other items are needed to protect our lives and property from terrorists.

Now I commend many for putting forth their answers in this world and their solutions.  But I ponder - are some or any of these ideas misguided to some extent?  Yes, we all need protection in this world, and great vigilance in security arenas - but then I wonder while it is right to increase our protections, and seek remedies, but do these folks address the root cause of the issue?  Do they know what the issue is really? 


I will put forth one root cause and I think it is pandemic, and we need to work at creating action to create better outcomes.  IT IS SIMPLY THIS - more ACTS OF SERVICE, MORE ACTS OF GENUINE HUMAN CARE, and MORE RESPECT, UNDERSTANDING, AND a FOCUSED EFFORT TO BUILD UP FAMILIAL TIES, AND A SENSE OF COMMUNITY.


There you go - simple really.  It is the heart of the issue - in our country today a growing pandemic of selfishness is sweeping us like a plague.  A growing sense of entitlement, and a growing sense of loss of pride in our communities, as well seeing the easy way out instead of a call to action.


I present to you my ultimate desire for the world and that is a CALL TO ACTION - a CALL TO SERVICE.  TO ALL RECRUITERS everywhere.  With our direct impact on the economy that surrounds us, with our direct influence to help people get to work, and as HR Professionals, whose duty it is to find and build the best human outcomes of our businesses, I think that we could as professionals grow our candidate pools, build bridges to help those troubled among us, and spread an "attitude of gratitude" during this season to build greater paths of service.


I call upon you fellow HR Professionals, and Staffing Subject Matter Experts, put your knowledge of building community forward - perhaps we are better positioned then most to carry this call of service action forward.

I call upon friends, family, colleagues, and all others who may read.


Will you commit today by signing your name to a petition on my blog?  Will you forward to your friends and challenge them over the next 6 weeks from December 15th - January 31st to turn on the head of the spoiling news we have heard to build some measure of service - I challenge 3-4 random acts of service or a volunteer effort of some kind - here are some ideas that can build this momentum of a taking back of our Holiday Season by "Doing something positive".  If we could get multiple folks involved just think of the amazing outcome if we could refocus our background to build trust, lay into the dust this notion that our Holiday Season has been ruined or this paradigm of "we need to hide" or "run from our societal ills and problems" but rather instead commit as one loud voice that we do not take lightly the floundering path of our rising generation, and the sadness we have witnessed should pull up within us rather thoughts of revenge or hiding - but replacement thoughts of service.  Here are some things we can all do:


  • Serve in our community providing resume and job placement assistance to those affected by our economy.
  • Be mentors to at risk youth or take part in mentoring of children, elderly, or others who may need more assistance.
  • We can volunteer at a local food bank or shelter.
  • We can volunteer to help pick up litter in our community or beautify our parks, recreational areas, schools, and other places of the public square.
  • We can volunteer simply by providing hope to someone who may need our friendship.
  • We can keep an eye out for those who are struggling or at risk of some kind of personal problem that could further disrupt our communities - by being aware and giving others hope 1 life at a time we can make a difference.
  • There are so many needy families who need "meals on wheels" assistance, or some financial help.
  • We can donate to our local United Way, Religious organization, volunteer in a soup kitchen, or give financially to trustworthy organizations that may be able to help others.
  • We can reach out to our own children and provide them more love and assurance especially when they see tragedy such as these.
  • We can help provide service at rest homes, or elderly centers, or help any organizations that give back to our military familes, Toys For Tots, Schools, Shelters, etc.
  • We can use our talents to find ways to serve others.
  • We can help to encourage a culture of forgiveness when tragedy hits and be more patient with others.
  • It could be as simple as deciding to be nice in traffic or a good steward of our tempers.
  • We can coach little league, soccer, scout troops, civic organizations, LIONS club, or Kiwanis Clubs.
  • We can visit the Children's Miracle Network hospitals and provide service.

There are so many ideas.  And so the challenge I put forth - send the challenge to your friends, colleagues, and family and ask them to serve with you.


Do you accept my service challenge?  Have them sign my petition here or email me with their service story - mike_rasmussen@sbcglobal.net:




May you and yours have a great Holiday Season.


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