A Year Of Memories - What Lessons I will Take Into 2012


There is much to celebrate as this year draws to a close.  One can look at so many things that the year brings with it - the history, the memories of colleagues who made growth and found new direction in areas of their careers and those who moved on, memories of a year that taught me much about myself and I will not forget those defining moments which saw me find some of my greatest success in my career, a new baby, and new perspectives of how important family truly is in life.  In so many words staffing saved my marriage, and opened doors I never thought imaginable.  Somewhere down the line, it may be that bridges formed in this year will open vast opportunity in years to come. 


I know there are those who often think of staffing and may view it in different perspectives, as I view it, it is a wonderful place to be.  I look at the holiday season which will challenge me to be more thoughtful, and enjoy the joy of giving to a new level than ever before.  It is a year where I personally have been transformed - I no longer fear what I can't control - rather I view such things as an opportunity never to be wasted.


This year, having been instrumental in many hires, it begs the question, what can I take as I now come into my prime and become poised for whatever it is that the staffing Gods that be throw my way?  It begs the question - what if?  What If I had been more flexible this year in something?  What if I had had a little more trust in others or gave of myself a little more?  What if?


Well, here are lessons that will carry forward in my memory for years to come:


Lesson #1 - I will view each req as an opportunity to stretch myself or grow to new levels that test my mettle as to my understanding of not only what is needed in the job I am searching to fill, but how it fits in the overall heirarchy of needs, it will mean taking each req as an opportunity and not a monotonous task but a chance to grow and stretch myself.


Lesson #2 - Goals will be realized in due time but are at the whim of external as well as internal factors - being flexible but still focused in my endeavor to hit amazing goals that stretch me, while achieving new levels of performance - that is the ultimate in forward momentum.


Lesson #3 - Focus on what I have before me at this very moment - worry only about what I have to achieve and use time wisely.  As Dale Carnegie once said "Live in Day Tight Compartments".


Lesson #4 - Learn To be Still - at least once or twice a month take a walk, ponder the world around me, open my mind to what's outside my self - in so many words meditate just enough to clear my mind and refocus again.


Lesson #5 - Be true to myself, and honest with those around me, this means don't try to be something I am not - but be comfortable with the gifts I have to offer the world and self aware enough to know what I can and cannot do and improve upon what I can improve. 


Lesson #6 - Give up my ego - be open to feedback from whatever source, strive with everything within myself to be at peace with everyone to such a degree as I can take criticism come what may and turn it into shining outcomes.


Lesson #7 - Everything in staffing comes down to one word - Persistence - Fills come from making one more call or sourcing one more candidate, and keeping the pipelines full no matter what.


Lesson #8 - Constant Learning is a must, staffing/HR/talent management is an ongoing and evolving game.  Only when we are comfortable with learning can we fill any req we face.


Lesson #9 - Staffing isn't rocket science - although there are some who may claim it to be as such.  Simplify in every endeavor - sometimes the answer is right under our noses.


Lesson #10 - Treat as if it is gold your network - my network has always been my greatest tool.  It is with great amazement that some look at their network as a right vs. a privilege - it mustn't be abused but cultivated.  Future individuals in your network can open doors never thought possible.


A couple weeks back at El Burro - a restaurant in Campbell, CA - I met a former boss from Solutions Partners and we caught up discussing the past 2 years since we had worked side by side at a consulting firm in Los Gatos.  It was when the economy had carved me out of a great situation only to find myself in a new day when netPolarity found me that growth had come full circle.  Maria and I discussed 2 years of changes, challenges, and old circumstances that had gotten us up and out of bed in the morning. 


In so many words as my work team has been bound by success and new levels of performance, and as Maria and I had found the same synergy as sourcer and recruiter, here we were in the same place ironically where a year of changes began - where economic changes had created new lessons.


One final lesson, the importance of giving in this Holiday Season, the importance of serving others and helping the unfortunate - that means maybe giving some career advice, or taking time out to help another, or being more freindly.  It may also mean putting family at the top of every priority list, making time for the ones who matter most when all is said and done.  I think it is a time where I want to be better and strive for greater outcomes never before realized or imagined.  That is the holiday season to me.


I know what got me into this business some 8 years ago, it was the desire to make a difference and get paid for it.  No other business other than staffing can open doors in such a way for those who make the matches and those who are affected by that effort.  Trully, it has been a year of memories and as we enter 2012 - the picture at the beginning of my 2 children blessed by changes and lessons of their father for years to come - will remember this December, 2011 as a time where I turned the corner professionally, personally, and opened doors for others along the staffing path of lessons in 2011.  Whether you care to, or not, Staffing will always bring such lessons in the nature of human beings and their consequent lessons.  May 2012 be a Fabulous year for all of us.  Happy Staffing Holidays.


Views: 323

Comment by Tim Spagnola on November 29, 2011 at 1:42pm

Great list Mike! I can't agree with you enough when it comes to #7. So crucial to determining one's ongoing success. I will also add not easy. Happy Holidays back to you and best to your continued efforts in 2012.


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