Gratefulness & Thanksgiving - Two Traits That Make for A Great Career

As we come into the end of a very interesting year, with ups and downs, ins, outs and everything in between, it has been enjoying the journey that has been one very important lesson of 2011.  In a unique year where I saw folks come and go in my life, as well folks go on separate paths as they explored career options, new family additions, and life's fundamental changes, it was with solidarity that somehow I was able to make some great career establishment moves that have opened phenomenal doors.


We look at movements like Occupy Wall Street, we see individuals losing focus over trivial matters, and some making career moves all based upon the money to be had vs. the growth, the friendships, the non financial factors that add some great richness to day by day options.


In seeing what obstacles have been layed in the path, it was this past year where I saw many come and go, and take a short term, vs. a long term view.  It is so vital today to be sure of one's vision and personal goals, and then to tie those to one's endeavors fully and manfully. 


Around us are folks losing sight of the fact that it is personal and professional effort that in the end pay the dividends.  Being able to encourage others to persevere when the going is rough is a vital trait.  But it was in October that I saw some incredible efforts pay off, some vital options grow more clear, and my Thankfulness and Gratefulness quotients increase.


As one gives of oneself daily on the job, remember that your day to day is larger than your desk, with so many opportunities it is important to differentiate what is a must do , vs. a nice to do, and proceed accordingly. 


As this Thanksgiving dawns, let us find within ourselves more Gratefulness, and Thanksfulness, these traits lead to greater success and open the doors to more opportunity when you have committed to your team you will do everything to succeed, when that happens it is contagious and leads to Holiday Fellowship. 


May we have a perspective of Thankfulness and Gratefulness, in holding true to such important charactistics the average person becomes great, and the most dynamic outcomes are achieved, but keeping focused and open minded will always be a powerful truth. 



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